Stories for December 2007


Monday, December 31

Girls' Basketball: Freshmen win State Farm Classic Tournament in Reno

The Douglas High freshman girls' basketball team won four straight games over the weekend on its way to winning the State Farm Classic tournament in Reno.

R-C Ski Forecast for December 31

18 lifts open, 31 trails open, 4 terrain parks open.


Gardnerville resident, Charles W. Armstrong, 61, died at his home on Dec. 16, 2007, after a long illness.

2007 not a very good year for Tahoe planning agency

As Lake Tahoe bids farewell to 2007, we're reviewing what will prove to be an unforgettable year. A nearly snowless season left businesses and the economy in a winter crunch.

Neighbors head south

Have you ever written a letter or check and put the wrong year on it? You know, write 2007 instead of 2008? Well, the new year is here now and it's time to set our minds as well as our calendars.

November donations show Thanksgiving spirit

The Carson Valley Community Food Closet had filled shelves thanks to the generosity of the community. With the Thanksgiving dinners for others on their mind, everyone gave from their hearts. We wish to thank the following businesses and individuals for their November contributions.

Fishing derby is on and running until April

As every year, the Topaz Lake Fishing Derby is taking place, starting yesterday and continuing until April 13. If you catch a tagged fish, you can collect an instant cash prize, ranging from $50 to $1000, in addition to other prizes.

Arts Council gingerbread results

The winners of the Carson Valley Arts Council's third annual Gingerbread House Decoration Contest were announced at the Artisan's Reception on Dec. 15.

First steps in learning to live without mom

The hollow feeling deep in my soul brings tears to my eyes again and again and makes the air catch in my throat.

Friday, December 28

Wrestling: Douglas in 14th after two days at SNC

After the first day of the prestigious Sierra Nevada Classic wrestling tournament, Douglas High School stood in 14th as a team with one wrestler through to the final rounds.

Sports Fodder: Thanks to bowling, chili, Pack actually went 8-7

Sports fodder for a Friday morning . . .

R-C Ski Forecast for December 28

18 lifts open, 29 trails open, 3 terrain parks open.


No services have been announced for Bonnie Jean Aguiar, 80, of the Gardnerville and Carson City area, who died Nov. 10, 2007 in Carson City.

Assess holiday damage and move on

Now that you've survived and celebrated the holidays, it's time for a health reality check. Does your belt still buckle in the same notch as it did during the summer? Does the needle on the scale stop where you want it to stop?

Students learn life skills in speech

They may not realize it, but speech students at Carson Valley Middle School are learning skills that will help them overcome what many people feel is one of life's major obstacles.

Journalist, dog advocate settles in Carson Valley

Pat Stanley has a work history as a journalist and now is retired and living here in Johnson Lane. Pat spent his career in broadcasting and as a news reporter on KVON Ð KVYN on the radio and as a journalist for the Napa Valley Register.

Local businesses give barrels of support

Carson Valley businesses made sure there were ample donation barrels available for the community to fill with groceries in December.

Two for the show

Comedian Kat Simmons and hypnotist Dan Kimm have teamed for a one-night show 7-9 p.m. at the Brewery Arts Center in Carson City.

Thursday, December 27

R-C Ski Forecast for December 27

18 lifts open, 31 trails open, 3 terrain parks open.

This year in Carson Valley

Being in Carson Valley in 2007 meant enjoying craft fairs, street fairs and harvest fairs. There were antique shows, art shows, car shows and tractor shows. Fruits and vegetables were available at farmer's markets from May to September in Minden and Gardnerville.

Looking back at the year that was

2007 should be remembered as the year of the bear and the year of the casino.

12-27 Sweetwater

It's that time of the year, the last few days of 2007, when I feel the compelling need to take a quick look back at the year's events.

New life for the new year

This is the time of year when many people are thinking about a new beginning. It can be termed in several different ways, such as turning over a new leaf, resolution, clean break, starting over, new start or several others. They make resolutions they are pretty sure they will not keep, hoping in some miraculous intervention, making this time different.

Wednesday, December 26

R-C Ski Forecast for December 26

17 lifts open, 29 trails open, 3 terrain parks open.

Testing your home for radon

University of Nevada Cooperative Extension has a new radon awareness program. Radon, a radioactive gas, is the leading cause of lung cancer deaths among nonsmokers in America.

Photos needed for December contest

Before this glorious time of year is over, I want to pass on some thank-yous from the Douglas County Historical Society. Thanks for supporting us and this column, for supporting our events and the Main Street Bookstore. DCHS wishes you a Happy New Year.

Minden/Douglas Elks host hoop shoot competition

Members of the Minden/Douglas Elks Lodge No. 2670 in the Gardnerville Ranchos invite all girls and boys ages 8-13 to participate in their annual basketball free throw contest on Friday, Jan. 11. Registration will take place at Meneley Elementary School starting at 3 p.m., with the competition starting shortly thereafter.

Resolutions that worked

Happy (almost) New Year to one and all. This will be the fifth big holiday in a row. In the last 40 days we've celebrated Thanksgiving, Christmas Eve, Christmas Day, New Year's Eve and New Year's Day. That's a lot of celebrating in just 40 days. The most jammed-pack times of the year are the hectic days between Turkey Day and New Year's Day. And in just another month, on Feb. 2 we celebrate Groundhog Day. Seems like a lot of partying to me.

Monday, December 24

R-C Sports Notebook: Christmas edition

Members of the 2001-02 Douglas High school girls' basketball regional championship team got together for a five-year reunion at the Lady Tigers' game against Elko Friday night.

Happy holidays from Johnson Lane

Nanny Huff called me a couple of days ago. She and her son were frantically searching for her beloved white toy poodle named Frity who ran away from home last week. Although they searched for him way into the wee hours of night, he didn't come home. He is blind in one eye and desperately needs medication.

Youth, mentors needed for historical society's Chautauqua program

Young Chautauquans start their ninth year with an informational meeting 7 p.m. Jan. 8 at the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center in Gardnerville.

Art events

Events for the Carson Valley Art Galleries' Second Saturday event on Feb. 9 include:

4-H'ers attend awards night and holiday party

More than 150 4-H members, leaders, supporters and parents gathered at the Carson Valley Methodist Church in Gardnerville on Dec. 17 for the annual Douglas County 4-H awards night and holiday program.

Set for college football games

For all the college football fans out there, it has just begun. There were a total of 32 bowl games scheduled this year, and there are still 26 more to be played.

Genealogy group meets Thursday

The Carson Valley Genealogy Group meets for a workshop by genealogist Yvonne Prettyman, 9 a.m. to noon Thursday at the Douglas County Public Library in Minden. Information will be given on how to use Internet genealogy Web sites such as and Heritage to obtain family history.

Sunday, December 23

Saturday, December 22

Boys' Basketball: Douglas top No. 1 Galena

It is said that the best way to deal with a grizzly bear is to play dead. The Douglas Tigers entered The Cave at Galena High School with a different approach.

Friday, December 21

Girls' Basketball: Elko slips past Douglas on late shot

Even wearing the throwback Tennessee-orange uniforms to honor the 2001-02 Northern 4A Regional champions, the Douglas girls' basketball team couldn't harness that squad's magic as the game went down to the wire.

Sports Fodder: Papelbon's dog should take lie detector test

Sports fodder for a Friday morning . . .

R-C Ski Forecast for December 21

14 lifts open, 24 trails open, 0 terrain parks open.

Douglas Disposal does double duty

Douglas Disposal employees did double duty last week as they collected bags of donated food along with regular refuse pick-up. A grand total of 8,320 pounds of groceries were collected from Douglas Disposal customers who contributed to the food drive.

Cowboys thank 'Sierra Christmas' fans

David John and the Comstock Cowboys along with Santa would like to thank all our fans and friends for making our 10th year of "Christmas in the Sierra" a success. Seeing all of you at Pipers Opera House in Virginia City, Genoa Town Hall and Barkley Theater at Oak Park Art Center in Fallon always makes our holiday.

Valley's generosity continues to amaze

The generosity of Carson Valley continues to amaze all of Northern Nevada. This year's annual Channel 2 News "Share Your Holiday" Food Drive received 48,399 pounds of food (2006 - 34,309 pounds) and $25,832 in monetary donations (2006 - $21,893). We always have a goal of surpassing the previous year's numbers, but this was a real shock.

Bad Beat Poker payout at CVI

Minden resident Keith LaPaille had a queen-high straight flush in a Texas hold 'em game in the Carson Valley Inn Poker Room, but knew something was up when Claudia Skaggs from Stateline kept raising him.

Thursday, December 20

Spring sports clearance night set

The 2008 spring sports season at Douglas High School is just around the corner.

Girls' Basketball: JV Girls top Wooster

The Douglas High School girls' junior varsity basketball team took control early against Wooster and didn't look back, taking a 40-29 win last Wednesday.

Girls' Soccer: Laing, Dry selected to state ODP team

Alex Laing and Katie Dry of the Carson Valley Soccer Club's U14 Net Rippers were recently selected by the Nevada State Olympic Development Program (ODP) coaching staff to participate on the Nevada State ODP teams.

R-C Ski Forecast for December 20

9 lifts open, 20 trails open, 0 terrain parks open.

Boys' Basketball: Douglas cruises against McQueen

In Game two of perhaps Douglas' biggest week of the preseason, the Tiger boys' basketball team showed little signs of slowing down, picking up an 83-58 win over McQueen in north Reno Wednesday night.

Wrestling: Tigers maul South Tahoe

Even when it came to the few matches on the mat, the Douglas wrestling team had little trouble with South Tahoe Wednesday night.

Letters to the Editor

With revenue reductions why is government continuing its spending habits?

Wednesday, December 19

Sierra Nevada Sports Media Poll

Top Ten Through Dec. 15 (First place votes are in parentheses, ties are broken by highest average vote)

Correct number for Mono County Health Department

To make reservations for shingles vaccinations with the Mono County Health Department nurse, call (760) 924-1830. The nurse will be at the Walker Senior Center from noon to 1 p.m. Dec. 28 for immunizations, blood pressure checks and other health concerns.

R-C Ski Forecast for December 19

13 lifts open, 21 trails open, 1 terrain parks open (sledding hill).

Kingsbury a better choice for closure

Parents of Lake Tahoe school children are fighting the closure of Kingsbury Middle School tooth and nail.

Houseplant soil problem solved

Every time the plants in my office are watered, I am bombarded with a foul-smelling odor. I wondered if some kind of mold was growing in the soil, and if so, if it was harmful to my health. I looked at the soil closely and examined the inside of the decorative containers and drainage saucers to see if they were causing the problem. There was nothing rotten growing on the soil, the containers or the saucers, but the soil itself smelled foul, even though the plants looked great.

Decorations light up Ruhenstroth

It is unanimous - the winners for Christmas lighting displays in Ruhenstroth are Jim and Christine Beard of 1994 Mule Lane. They also won last year in a tie. Are we seeing a pattern here? Both Jim and Christine truly enjoy decorating and if you enjoy the decorations in the yard, you should see the inside of their home. It is truly an enchanted and magical place.

Minden Elementary School Invention Convention results

Out of 185 projects, 20 winners emerged from Minden Elementary School's Invention Convention on Dec. 17.

Make smart beverage choices

You've just about made it through the holidays, with just a few more gatherings and New Year's to celebrate. Don't give up now on making healthy choices, especially when it comes to beverages. How you quench your thirst can make a big difference in your calorie intake.

Girls' Basketball: Lady Tigers cruise against Wooster

Once they had a chance to get their full-court press set up, the Douglas High girls' basketball team was just fine.

Boys' Basketball: Douglas runs over Wooster

With a regional championship rematch with Galena looming at the end of the week, and a trip to McQueen sandwiched in the midde, it might have been easy for the Douglas High School boys' basketball team to overlook the game that actually counted in the standings.

Tuesday, December 18

Girls' Basketball: Douglas season statistics through Dec. 15

8-2 overall, 0-0 Sierra League, 2-1 home, 2-1 away, 4-0 neutral, 7-2 vs. Northern Nevada teams.

Boys' Basketball: Douglas season statistics through Dec. 15

5-3 overall, 0-0 Sierra League, 2-2 home, 0-0 away, 3-1 neutral, 3-1 vs. Northern Nevada teams.

R-C Sports Notebook: Miller rises to the top once again

After Fresno State shut down its wrestling program just months before Douglas High standout Shane Miller was to begin his collegiate career there, it appeared that he'd fall through the one of those many and varied cracks that exist at the next level of athletics.

R-C Ski Forecast for December 18

13 lifts open, 21 trails open, 1 terrain parks open (sledding hill).

Book store offers last minute gift ideas

Kathleen Belles' winning photo for the November 2009 calendar will be displayed at the main desk at the Carson Valley Museum in Gardnerville all month. Stop in and see it when you have the chance.

Topaz Lake Fishing Derby opens New Year's Day

Amazing how quickly a year has passed us by. Its time once again to get out the fishing poles, gather up the warm clothes, tune up the boats and prepare for the New Year's Day opening of the 2008 Topaz Fishing Derby.

Minden girl to perform at Capital One halftime

Carson Valley Middle School student Whitney Louie is scheduled to perform as part of the Capital One Bowl half-time performance cast on New Year's Day.

Performers needed to audition

-- An information meeting will be 7 p.m. Jan. 8 at the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center in Gardnerville for Young Chautauquans.

Monday, December 17

Auto Racing: Sierra Sierra hires two new drivers

It's been said that one of the toughest things to do in sports is to defend your title.

Wrestling: Douglas grad wins California Community College State Championship

It wasn't much more than a year ago that Shane Miller's ticket to Division I wrestling was taken right out of his hands.

Boys' Basketball: Tigers take third

After opening the weekend with a tough loss to Mountain View High School out of Mesa, Ariz., the Douglas boys' basketball team came back to take third place at the George Maldonado Tournament.

JV Basketball: Lady Tigers sweep week

The Douglas High junior varsity girls' basketball team completed a sweep of last week's three home games, topping Fallon 57-21 Saturday.

Girls' Basketball: Coleville girls split four at Comstock

The Coleville girls' basketball team came out of the Comstock Classic Tournament held in Virginia City over the weekend with two wins in four tries.

R-C Ski Forecast for December 17

13 lifts open, 21 trails open, 1 terrain parks open (sledding hill).

Hudson, Clark engaged

Dawn McClelland of Chula Vista, Calif., and Gary Hudson of Escondido, Calif., announce the engagement of their daughter, Tawni Hudson, to Patrick K. Clark, son of Dick and Barbara Clark of Gardnerville.

Valley holiday happenings

-- The sixth annual Joyful Noise Community Holiday Concert returns to the CVIC Hall in Minden, 7 p.m. tonight. Hot cider and holiday treats, Christmas classics performed by Unity Chorus, Cherie and John Shipley. Admission is a donation. Information, at or 782-4429.


A memorial service is 11 a.m. Thursday at the First Presbyterian Church on Division and Musser streets in Carson City for native Nevadan Andrew "Andy" Gotelli, who died Dec. 15, 2007, at Carson Tahoe Regional Medical Center.

Antelope Valley Lions a great service club

The Antelope Valley Lions are, to me, the epitome of what a service club should be, especially in a small area like the Valley.

Students invent for the home

Domestic life is now easier thanks to students at Minden Elementary School.

Spreading cuts a fair answer

We applaud Gov. Gibbons decision to spread out proposed cuts over the entire education budget. The governor and public officials will have to make some hard decisions over the coming months and we support them in their efforts as long as they are fair to those involved.

Friends thank book week participants

The Friends of the Douglas County Library would like to thank Borders for allowing us to participate in a fundraising event at their store on Nov. 17. Borders will make a donation to the Friends of the Douglas County Public Library. We are very grateful for their generosity.

Resolve to be more like a cat for the new year

Sarah is an elegant Audrey Hepburn of a cat wrapped in a glossy minklike coat. The few specks of white hair sprinkled throughout her dark fur are the only giveaways to her advanced age of 16 years.

Thrivent donates to childcare center

Trinity Lutheran Childcare Center recently received $3,859 from Thrivent Financial to purchase a playground cover. The funding was made possible through Thrivent's Care Abounds in Communities program where volunteers sold cookie dough on Nov. 13.

Anello, Ringnes to be married

Meredith Lynn Anello, daughter of Mike and Mary Ann Anello of Maumee, Ohio, and Andrew "Andy" Paul Ringnes, son of Don and Cathy Bombardier of Gardnerville and Brad and Teresa Ringnes of Southern California, have announced their engagement.

WNC employees donate to Austin's House

As part of the Western Nevada College employees' annual holiday potluck luncheon Dec. 14, faculty and staff members collected donations for Austin's House, where emergency housing is provided for children who are referred by Child Protective Services and the courts.

Christmas for the rest of us

It's funny how the seasons treat us. The month of April brings me a feeling of loss and detachment from myself. At first I had a hard time identifying it until my wife said, "I know why you're so moody this time of year. It's the month your dad died."

Memories adorn Christmas tree

We have so many ornaments on our tree, I don't think another one would fit. There are lots of homemade ornaments like the red and white beaded ornament Grandma Dorothy made way back in 1980.

Sunday, December 16

Boys' Basketball: Douglas tops Mira Loma

The Douglas boys' basketball team had three players in double figures and outscored the Matadors 16-8 in the second quarter to win the third-place game.

Saturday, December 15

Boys' Basketball: Mountain View takes down Douglas

The Douglas Tigers boys' basketball team got off on the wrong foot Friday when starter David Laird - who has been averaging 14 points per game - didn't have the proper attire to play against the Toros.

Girls' Basketball: Douglas runs past Lowry

The Douglas High girls' basketball team got nearly half of its points from the bench Friday as the Tigers powered ahead to a 57-26 win over Lowry in Minden.

Friday, December 14

Girls' Basketball: JV girls top Galena

The Douglas High girls' junior varsity basketball team was strong and consistent through all four quarters of its home-opener last week in a 51-36 win over Galena.

Sports Fodder: Next up for baseball: Santa Claus, Easter Bunny

Sports fodder for a Friday morning . . .

R-C Ski Forecast for December 14

6 lifts open, 11 trails open, No terrain parks open.

Park Cattle proposal will stampede master plan

Time to saddle up folks. Park Cattle Co.'s last drive is under way and we need to head 'em off at the pass. This isn't a cattle drive, though, it's a drive for housing. If we don't stop them, they're going to stampede right over the county master plan and through the commission chambers and off into a golden sunset. Golden for them anyway. Let me explain.

Life Options program gets seniors and business community involved

A new program allows seniors to participate in activities that make "use it or lose it" a more attractive concept.

Boys' Basketball: Douglas takes big win over Sky View, Utah

Going up against a Division I center can be an intimidating task for any high school basketball team, but for the Douglas boys' basketball team Thursday night, they took Sky View's 6-11 Jordan Stone (headed to Utah State next year) completely in stride.

Thursday, December 13

Boys' Basketball: Douglas cruises past Lowry

The Douglas boys' basketball team took advantage of its superior 3-point shooting Wednesday night and rode a second-half surge to take a 74-50 win over Lowry at the George Maldonado Classic at Galena High School.

Wrestling: Douglas picks up first league win

After battling through what will probably be their two toughest dual matches of the season, opening the year with losses to Carson and Damonte Ranch, the Douglas High wrestling team got well in a big way Wednesday night, beating North Valleys 59-24 in Minden.

JV/Freshmen roundup: Douglas JVs go 2-1 at High Sierra Classic

The Douglas High girls' junior varsity basketball team went 2-1 at last weekend's High Sierra Winter Classic in Reno.

R-C Ski Forecast for December 13

5 lifts open, 11 trails open, No terrain parks open.


Charles L. Thain, 77, a Gardnerville resident, died Dec. 9, 2007, at his home.

Holiday tips to control sugar, fat intake

Controlling children's sugar intake can be difficult, especially over the holidays. Natural sugars are found in foods such as milk and fruit. Refined sugars, however, are added to enhance the flavor of many foods, including traditional holiday snacks, candies, desserts and drinks. Many of these foods do not provide nutritional value and overconsuming them leaves little room for healthier food choices.

Letters to the Editor

Minden profiting from water rights

Wednesday, December 12

Sierra Nevada Sports Media Poll

Through Dec. 8 (First place votes are in parentheses, ties are broken by highest average vote) TeamPtsPvs

Rodeo: Denny selected to all-star team

Leaders of the National High School Rodeo Association Wrangler Division appointed Minden resident Wyatt Denny to its All-Star Rodeo Team.

Boys' Basketball: CVMS sweeps Pau-Wa-Lu

The Carson Valley Middle School boys' eighth-grade boys' basketball team used a tough half-court defense to frustrate county rival Pau-Wa-Lu Tuesday afternoon, taking a 35-10 ictory at home over the Panthers.

R-C Ski Forecast for December 12

5 lifts open, 9 trails open, No terrain parks open.

Garden challenges continue in winter

It's cold! Nighttime temperatures have been in the teens, with daytime temperatures in the 30s to 40s. The good news is the snow, not only from a skier's perspective, but also from a gardener's perspective. Diligent green-thumbers have been watering their plants, especially trees, a few times each month through the autumn in preparation for winter.

Preservation group forms

A nonprofit organization, the Douglas County Historical Building Preservation Group, was given the go-ahead by the Secretary of State, according to group member Donnis Thran.

Let's hear it for Christmas spirit

The holiday season is in full swing, and it is especially joyous for me this year. Christmas with an exuberant 3-year-old is certainly a wonder to behold.

Gingerbread recipes

Barbara Boeving's

Photo contest winner announced

We have a November winner for our monthly photo contest. Our winner is Kathleen Belles of Gardnerville. Kathleen perfectly captured those cloudy skies we so often enjoy in late fall. This photo will represent November 2009 in our calendar. Congratulations, Kathleen.

Let's fight to keep college

We don't want the Minden campus of Western Nevada College to close and we understand that college officials share that view.

County will use tax to support bloated staff

In the Dec. 6 commission meeting county government threw down the gauntlet to declare fiscal war on county taxpayers. A declining economic pie squeezes business sales and profits, but county government, instead of sharing recession pain, demands new taxes to actually increase their share of that pie.

Fish Springs resident makes a difference

We have a very talented friend here in Fish Springs who is retired from his paying job and now volunteers to help people and our community in many different ways. H

Musical auditions begin Jan. 16

Carson Valley Community Theatre will hold auditions for its production of "Sounds of Broadway," an original musical review, 6-9 p.m. Jan. 16 and 9 a.m. to noon Jan. 19 at the Carson Valley Inn.

Love of photography reflected by Carson Valley club winners

Her snow-blanketed front yard reflected in a Christmas tree ornament earned Kathy Port top honors in the Carson Valley Photo Club's December competition.

Daughters of Norway meet Thursday

The Daughters of Norway Queen Maud Lodge No. 42 will meet at 6 p.m. Dec. 20 at St. Paul's Lutheran Church at the corner of Saliman and Highway 50 East in Carson City.

R-C Sports Notebook: This year's Tigers not so much different from last

OK, so there are a couple of glaring differences whenever this year's Douglas boys' basketball team takes the floor.

Girls' Basketball: Galena picks up defensive win against Douglas

Through the first six minutes Tuesday night, the Douglas girls' basketball team's defense controlled the game.

Tuesday, December 11

Wrestling: Douglas season statistics through Dec. 9

8-4 overall, 0-2 Sierra League, 0-1 home, 0-2 away, 8-1 neutral, 6-2 vs. Northern Nevada teams.

Girls' Basketball: Douglas season statistcs through Dec. 9

6-1 overall, 0-0 Sierra League, 0-0 home, 2-1 away, 4-0 neutral, 5-1 vs. Northern Nevada teams.

Boys' Basketball: Douglas season statistics through Dec. 9

2-2 overall, 0-0 Sierra League, 2-2 home, 0-0 away, 0-0 neutral, 2-1 vs. Northern Nevada teams.

Wrestling: Douglas takes 4th at Natomas Duals

Despite a strong run through pool play, the Douglas wrestling team couldn't get past a strong Golden Valley squad in the semifinals of the Natomas City Nighthawk Dual Tournament Saturday in California.

Boys' Basketball: Whittell uses big second half to top Sierra Lutheran

Just six game into the season, the Sierra Lutheran boys' basketball team faced off against Whittell for the third time Monday night.


A private memorial service will take place in Grants Pass, Ore. for Katherine "Kitty" Tapella, 100, who died Dec. 7, 2007. She had celebrated her 100th birthday with family and friends on Nov. 1, 2007, in Black Diamond, Wash.

Woman makes 5,000 mile trek

I think we can all look back on our lives and name, on one hand, people that truly amazed and impressed us. For me, one of the first names to come to my mind is that of Bernice Ende. Now I am sure almost all of you are saying... "Who is that?"

Fate of battering deputy an important lesson

This letter is in response to a recent article about suspending the sentences for domestic battery and DUI of an ex-deputy. The suspended sentences reflect an attitude of tolerance of domestic violence and victim blaming.

Animal group leader honored

Outgoing Douglas Animal Welfare Group president Cherie Owen was presented with a congressional certificate of special recognition Dec. 7. The certificate, signed by Rep. Dean Heller, was presented by 2008 DAWG President Laura Winking.

Douglas persecuting alternative energy users

We moved to Hyde Street on Sept. 7, 2001, from California. During the last two decades of our stay in California, we suffered through five power blackouts.

Monday, December 10

Girls' Basketball: Lady Tigers take second at High Sierra Classic

Bolstered by a gritty-win over fifth-ranked Spanish Springs Saturday afternoon, the Douglas High girls' basketball team got its first shot of the season at No. 2 Reno four hours later.

R-C Ski Forecast for December 10

5 lifts, No terrain parks open. Forecast: Chilly and mostly sunny with light winds. High of 30.

Ask for the fare up front

Today Carson City regional transportation officials will decide whether to cut off service to Douglas County after county commissioners declined an invitation to spend $16,000 a year to subsidize 30 riders a day to the Topsy Lane shopping centers.

Christmas decorations make an impressive sight in Johnson Lane

I found a great house that is decorated as a must see in Johnson Lane. If you take Johnson Lane north on East Valley and west on Shirley, you can't miss it. Wow, my family thought it was so beautiful.


The witch's house that Hansel and Gretel encountered in the woods was a candy lover's dream but it became famous for being made of gingerbread 100 years after the fairy tale was made into an opera.

Prepare soil now

Gardeners are nothing, if not optimistic. Who else would brave the cold to work the soil now in hopes of a bountiful harvest next summer and fall? As successful gardeners know, a healthy soil is the key to abundant crops. A loose soil, rich in organic matter, is garden gold.

Rosingus and Beres married in Las Vegas

Dana Ann Rosingus and James Robert "J.R." Beres were married Dec. 1, 2007, at the Little White Wedding Chapel in Las Vegas. The Rev. Belinda Rhodes performed the double-ring ceremony.

Giving tree grows at Walker store

For the fourth year, this very special tree is at the Walker General Store. The past three years, our community has been so generous with their donations of the gift wishes of the children whose paper ornaments were on the tree.

Sunday, December 9

Boys' Basketball: Faith Lutheran tops Douglas in CV Classic finale

For the second night in a row, the Douglas boys' basketball team found itself down in the second half and for the second night in a row, the Tigers clawed their way right back into the game.

Saturday, December 8

Boys' Basketball: Douglas uses big run to blow out Dayton

For the first 20 minutes of Friday night's matchup between the Douglas boys' basketball team and Dayton High School, the Dustdevils looked like giant killers and the Tigers looked like, well, sleeping giants.

Friday, December 7

Dustdevils leading Douglas by 3 at half-time

The Dayton Dustdevils are leading the Douglas Tigers at half-time 27-24.

Fall Sports: Douglas sixth place in Award of Excellence standings

After one of the most successful fall sports seasons in Douglas High School history, the Tiger athletic program was ranked sixth in the 2007-08 Nevada Interscholastic Activities Association's Award of Excellence standings.

Girls' Basketball: Douglas opens with win at High Sierra Winter Classic

The Douglas High School girls' basketball team improved to 4-0 Thursday night with a 56-27 win over Lassen.

Sports Fodder: Let French, Italian judges pick national champ

Sports fodder for a Friday morning . . .

R-C Ski Forecast for December 7

4 lifts, No terrain parks open. Forecast: Cloudy with light winds and more snow expected today.

Boys' Basketball: Tigers cruise past Fernley

Matched up against a late addition to the tournament, the Douglas boys' basketball team didn't show any signs of letdown Thursday night in the opening round of the Carson Valley Classic.

Thursday, December 6

Tigers lead Fernley at half-time

The Douglas Tigers are leading Fernley 47-16 at half-time. The Tigers enjoy home court advantage.

Fishing: Still too soon to ice fish

The snake man is here to give you a small report of our local areas. I have to start with a call I received from an angler from Kirkwood. He told me about how Kirkwood Lake has some ice covering it, and he was eager to ice skate and fish.

Girls' Basketball: Reed tops Tiger junior varsity girls

The Douglas High School junior varsity girls' basketball team suffered a 44-37 setback against Reed over the weekend.

Wrestling: Damonte Ranch holds off Tigers' upset bid

Even after sweeping the six matches from 119 pounds to 145 pounds, the Douglas High wrestling team's bid for an upset over Sierra League and Northern 4A Regional favorite Damonte Ranch fell just short Wednesday night in Reno.

R-C Ski Forecast for December 6

4 lifts, No terrain parks open. Forecast: Cloudy with light winds and a good chance of snow over the next few days.

Open house Saturday at ferret shelter

The third annual ferret shelter open house is 1-4 p.m. Saturday at 977 Pleasantview Court, Gardnerville.

Holiday happenings this weekend

Christmas Musical. The Smith Valley Baptist Church presents an original Christmas musical, "A Charlie Conway Country Christmas," 6:30 p.m. today at Valley Christian Fellowship. The play is about a duel in word and song between country music star Charlie Conway and his producer. Information, 465-9399 or Pastor Travis Walker, 790-3419.

Wednesday, December 5

Skiing: Tiger skiers looking to build on last year's success

Last year at this time, Douglas High School ski coach Rob Parks, entering his first year with the program, was just looking for a place to get his kids some experience on the hill as the school was trying to work out contract issues with an area ski resort to allow the team to practice.

Boat Racing: Schiller wins IHBA World Finals

Gardnerville resident Mike Schiller didn't make a lot of stops on the International Hot Boat Association pro-eliminator circuit this year, but he made the most of the trips he did take.

Weekly update on former Tiger standouts

Andy McIntosh, jr., WR, Nevada: McIntosh had one assisted tackle on special teams in Nevada's 49-10 win over Louisiana Tech Saturday. The Wolf Pack will play in the New Mexico Bowl on Dec. 22.

Sierra Nevada Sports Media Poll

Through Dec. 1 TeamPtsPvs

R-C Ski Forecast for December 5

4 lifts, No terrain parks open.


A memorial service is 3 p.m. Sunday at Crosswinds Assembly of God Church, 2100 El Rancho Drive, Sparks, for Allen Gus Lauer, 73, who died Nov. 3, 2007, in Eureka, Calif.

Christmas lighting contest going on in Ruhenstroth

Even without that familiar chill in the air, there is a lot of decorating going on.

Choose clean methods of power production

I have seen a lot of advertisements lately for using coal to make power.

Curves sponsors senior gift drive

About 80 seniors will have a brighter Christmas thanks to the Curves sponsored gift drive for clients of the Douglas County Meals on Wheels program.

Gingerbread houses on display at museum

The purpose of this column is to let readers know what is coming up at the two Douglas County Historical Society museums. When you know what's coming, you can plan to attend those events that interest you. However, there comes a time when we need to pause, look back and say thanks.

Caucus more than a meeting

The good news about moving Nevada's caucuses forward has been the national attention the state's issues have received.

Minden physical therapist on way to Austria

Minden physical therapist Monique Haviland has been appointed to the U.S. Ski and Snowboard Association to be the team physical therapist at a variety of world cup and international events.

Redemption satisfied in Christ's death

Justice delayed is justice denied. There may be some truth in this view regarding human affairs but this pitiful plea could more easily arise from the human impulse to anger and desire for instant gratification of vengeance rather than a thoughtful desire for justice. Justice is a much more complex subject than can be summed up in a five word slogan.

Sella/Sipko wed

Kaitlin Sella and Ryan Sipko were married in a nondenominational ceremony officiated by the Rev. Ron Darby Aug. 26, 2007, at Heritage Park in Gardnerville. The bride was given in marriage by her father Aldo Sella Jr.

Flower, Eckroat engaged

Kathy and Brandon Swain of Minden announce the engagement of their daughter Samantha Flower of Reno to Ron Eckroat, also of Reno. Ron is the son of Warren and Barbara Eckroat of Reno.

Bowmans celebrate 64th anniversary

Gardnerville residents Bertha and Daniel W. Bowman were married Dec. 11, 1943, at First Christian Church in Alhambra, Calif.

Tuesday, December 4

R-C Sports Notebook: Solid first week

When it comes to opening weeks, it doesn't get much better from a spectator standpoint than what the Douglas High athletic program put forth last week.

Cross Country: Valley girls headed to national championships

A pair of Carson Valley sisters are taking their act to the USATF National Junior Olympic Cross Country Championships in Lawrence, Kan., this weekend.

Boys' Basketball: Coleville wins opening tourney

The Coleville High School boys' basketball team opened its season by winning its home tournament, the Coleville Lions Club Invitational.

Boys' Basketball:CVMS off to strong start

The Carson Valley Middle School eighth-grade boys basketball team opened its season in strong fashion, winning four of its first five games.

R-C Ski Forecast for December 4

4 lifts, No terrain parks open. Forecast: Cloudy with a chance of snow in the morning. New snow: None.

Soroptimists selling cookbooks

Soroptimist International of Carson Valley is selling cookbooks in time for the holiday season. The cookbook, "Great Recipes from Soroptimist International Carson Valley" is available for $15 at Artisans International Gallery, Café Bella Vita, Carson Valley Inn Gift Shop, Sweetie Pies and Tumblewind Antiques through Christmas.

Life options classes at senior center

Trader Joe's hosts monthly cooking classes Tammy's kitchen at the Douglas County Senior Center, 2300 Meadow Lane, Gardnerville. Information, 783-6457.

Douglas graduates wed in Arizona

Staci Hoogestraat of Minden and Anthony Lonnegren, also of Minden, were married Oct. 26, 2007, during a Lutheran Garden Ceremony at the Ocotillo Golf Resort in Chandler, Ariz., with the bride's cousin Matthew Dobyns performing the ceremony.

Kudos-Silver Knights

The Silver Knights Motorcycle Club would like to thank all the folks who parked at the Genoa Cemetery for the 2007 Candy Dance as we were able to donate $1,000 to Austin's House with the remaining $325 to be used for future benefit donations here in the Valley. I would like to thank the men and women of Silver Knights Motorcycle Club for donating their weekend time for the Candy Dance parking at the Genoa Cemetery.

Studio tour artists needed

Artists interested in participating in the Carson Valley Open Studios Art Tour or the Carson City Open Studios Art Tour may review guidelines and submit an application.

Hay bales as a rancher's weather forecaster

For those who want to know, Louie, the dairyman raised, now over 800 pounds black angus steer residing in our weaning corral for winter, cowed right up and moved along fine during vaccinations and shows no unnatural interest in any human entering the corrals.

'Great Recipes from Soroptimists' for sale

Soroptimist International of Carson Valley is selling cookbooks in time for the holiday season. "Great Recipes from Soroptimist International Carson Valley" is available for $15 at Artisans International Gallery, Café Bella Vita, Carson Valley Inn Gift Shop, Sweetie Pies and Tumblewind Antiques through Christmas. Proceeds benefit the Carson Tahoe Cancer Center.

Sinfonia performs at CVIC Hall

The Carson Valley Sinfonia, sponsored by Friends of the Carson Valley Youth Orchestra and the Carson Valley Violin School will present its annual winter concert on Sunday, Dec. 9 at 4 p.m. in Minden's CVIC Hall. The performance is open to the public without charge.

Button, bead workshop Saturday

A free workshop to create a button and bead Christmas tree hosted by Minden artist J. Renee Ekleberry is 11 a.m. to noon Saturday at Fast Frame, 1614 Highway 395, Minden.

Monday, December 3

Girls' basketball: Freshman girls split Fallon tourney

The Douglas High freshman girls' basketball team got its season off to a 1-1 start at the Fallon Optimist Tip Off Classic.

Girls' Basketball: Lady Tigers go 3-0 at Lowry

The Douglas High School girls' basketball team picked up three wins at the season-opening Lowry Invitational over the weekend, but showed coach Werner Christen they still have plenty to work on.

Wrestling: Douglas wins Capital City Duals

Duals wrestling tournament that there has ever been. It's safe to say that because something like this has never happened before.

Girls' Basketball: Coleville opens with win

The Coleville girls' basketball team opened its season Friday with a 35-13 win over Big Pine at Coleville's Antelope Valley Lions Club Tournament.

R-C Ski Forecast for December 3

4 lifts, No terrain parks open. Forecast: Mostly clear skies, moderate winds, high in the low 40s.

Events planned at Walker center on Dec. 11

Tuesday, December 11 will be full of activity at the center. The Mono County Health Nurse will be there at noon, conducting a general clinic for blood pressure screening and immunizations. If you want any immunizations, call the health department at (760) 924-1830 to schedule them. The same day, lunch will be available as usual at the center, with the added enjoyment of 1st and 2nd graders from Antelope Elementary School singing Christmas carols. You should call the center at (530) 495-2323 to reserve a seat for your lunch and the music. It will be very enjoyable time, I know.

Of frogs and flickers

Early this past spring when the temperatures started to warm our black rubber water trough, lots of little pollywogs appeared. It didn't take long for them to disappear too.

S & W Feed moves to new Carson store

Congratulations to long-time Fish Springs residents Stan and Wendy Kolbus. They've worked hard and long with their S & W Feed and Supply business and now see the rewards of all that hard labor. After working 12 years in smaller facilities they have moved into a 4,899 square-foot building located at 2292 South Carson St., Carson City.

Successful gardeners prepare soil now for bountiful harvest

Gardeners are nothing if not optimistic. Who else would brave the cold to work the soil now in hopes of a bountiful harvest next summer and fall? As successful gardeners know, a healthy soil is the key to abundant crops. A loose soil, rich in organic matter, is garden gold.

County voters must decideairport's future

It has been 50 years since Minden-Tahoe Airport could be described as truly commercial.

Holiday season in full swing with Parade of Lights events

The Christmas season came to the Carson Valley in grand style over the first weekend in December. The annual Minden Park lighting Friday evening, presented by the Minden Town Board and lead by Santa with a wave of his magic hand, set the 100-year-old park aglow with hundreds of lights and the new addition of eight dancing carousel horses prancing in succession around the Minden gazebo.


A funeral service will be 11 a.m. Saturday at the Antelope Valley United Methodist Church in Coleville for Rosie Cruz, 77, who died Nov. 22, 2007, in Reno.

Saturday, December 1

Football all-region, all-league teams released

All-Northern 4A Awards Player of the Year Zack Parker, Reed