Assess holiday damage and move on

Now that you've survived and celebrated the holidays, it's time for a health reality check. Does your belt still buckle in the same notch as it did during the summer? Does the needle on the scale stop where you want it to stop?

If the holidays got you off track, or if you were off track before the holidays ever arrived, don't beat yourself up. Instead, take this new year as an opportune time to institute a few healthy resolutions. Eating well is just one part of the bigger picture of taking care of your whole self. To get started, choose a few of the suggestions below and make them a part of your daily life in 2008.

-- Make a list of reasons important to you for adopting healthy habits. Post the list where you will see it every day. Read it when motivation ebbs.

-- Make the easiest changes first to give you a feeling of accomplishment and success. Remember, even small changes make a big health difference over time.

-- Care about your body and feed it accordingly. You've heard it before, but now is a great time to eat more vegetables, fruits and whole grains. Instead of getting a candy bar or chips from the vending machine for an afternoon snack, bring a piece of fruit from home to enjoy each afternoon at work.

-- Resolve to move more. Park in the farthest parking spot from the door, take the stairs or take a walk during a break at work.

-- Take time to relieve stress each day. Exercise, meditate, pray or take some personal time just for you, doing what feels right to you.

-- Get support. Let trusted family, friends and co-workers know what they can do to support your efforts.

-- Finally, be patient. Making positive habit changes may be a journey with many stops, starts and detours. But, there's no better time to get started than now, the beginning of a fresh new year.

For more information on healthy eating and cooking, contact your local University of Nevada Cooperative Extension office. Kerry Seymour is a nutrition specialist and registered dietitian with University of Nevada Cooperative Extension.


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