Northern Nevada Dream Center Director Susan Sorenson accepts a $2,000 check from Tahoe-Douglas Elks Past Exalted Ruler Jim Plamenig.
Looking for a lighthearted way to welcome the weekend? Stop by the Carson Valley Museum and Cultural Center 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. Saturday to partake in their Giant Bubbles on the Green event.
Museum Activity Director Dennis Little said museum staff will be outside creating bubbles and leading a number of bubble-themed games for the kids. One popular favorite is Bubble Pop, where children are invited to chase the bubbles and try to pop as many as they can.
“As soon as you make (the bubbles), the kids go wild,” Little said.
There will be lots of other fun ways to explore the museum on Saturday, as the event also includes miniature golf, a scavenger hunt, and a number of indoor games.
Family Days are held at the museum the first Saturday of every month except for July. Each month features a different theme and there is no cost to attend. In August, look for an agricultural day event.
“The education directors at the museum always come up with creative ideas,” Little said.
The museum is located at 1477 Main St. in Gardnerville. For more information, visit or call 775-782-2555.
Elks recognize Northern Nevada Dream Center
The Tahoe-Douglas Elks Lodge No.2670 recently gave a Spotlight Grant check of $2,000 from the Elks National Foundation to the Northern Nevada Dream Center.
The nonprofit aims to “…meet basic needs and provide assistance” through services that include emergency food boxes, clothing, educational services, and community outreach. Each month, Tahoe-Douglas Elks pick up food from the center and deliver it to seniors in the Carson Valley and South Lake Tahoe.
The Tahoe-Douglas Elks lodge is located at 1227 Kimmerling Road in the Gardnerville Ranchos. Proceeds from Elks events benefit programs for seniors, veterans, and youth in the local community. More information about the Elks National Foundation is available at
To learn more about NNDC, log onto
June 7 is Women’s Golf Day
In celebration of Women’s Golf Day, Carson Valley Golf Course hosts three complimentary golf clinics on June 7; at 8 a.m., 11 a.m., and 4 p.m. A complimentary ladies’ lunch takes place that same day from noon-1 p.m.
Reservations are required and must be made by June 5. Call 775-265-3181 or email to RSVP.
“Women’s Golf Day is an event celebrating girls and women playing golf and learning the skills that last a lifetime” ( Golf courses and retail locations around the world participate in the annual event.
CVGC is located at 1027 Riverview Drive in the Gardnerville Ranchos. Find them online at
Amy Roby can be reached at