Wacky Wiver Wace winners announced



It was a slooow wace down the slough this year with some youngsters eventually having to jump in and shoo those silly ducks along their way! When confronted with all those yellow motorcycle-vested wibber duckies massed together and coming her way, one real mommy duck and her young'uns had to jump out and brave the spectators. They then rushed to jump back in behind the wacers to find relative peace and quiet.

Our special thanks to Gil Goode and all those other volunteers who make this event happen each year through their help and support behind the scenes. 

The Wacky Waddlers Wiver Wace benefits the Carson Valley Community Food Closet, 1244 Waterloo Lane in Gardnerville, which provides supplemental food to qualified Douglas County residents in need. Information, 782-3711.

First place: Dustin Damien, four infield tickets from Reno Aces Baseball Club.

Second place: Emily Tuggle, four Ironwood Cinema passes.

Third place: Drew Aguilar, Wild Island game tickets.

Last place: Curtis Beckerbauer, two rounds with golf cart at Carson Valley Golf Course.

Business winner: Oxoby Mobile Home Park.

Organization/club/church winner: Kiwanis Club.

Brittany Dains, $50 net duck.

Bill English, $25 net duck.

EMC Entertainment, $15 and Autumn Moxley, $10 net ducks.

Donna Coker

Carson Valley Community Food Closet volunteer


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