Primary Election 2022: Nevada U.S. Senate – Republicans

Candidates William Hockstedler, Sharelle Mendenhall, Tyler Perkins and Paul Rodriquez didn’t respond to requests to contribute.

Sam Brown
Occupation: Small Businessman
Age: 38
Instagram: Facebook:

Sam Brown


Record of service:
Sam Brown graduated from the United States Military Academy, commonly referred to as West Point, and earned a commission as an infantry officer for the US Army. He served honorably from 2006-2011 and retired with the rank of Captain. Notable awards include the Purple Heart and the Bronze Star, earned during his deployment to Afghanistan.

Bachelor of Science from the United States Military Academy - West Point
Masters in Business Administration – Southern Methodist University
Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.
The United States Senate is intended to serve as a check and balance to ensure government accountability and oversight on legislation and appointees. A Senator must represent and listen to their constituencies rather than tell them that they know all the answers.

A brief statement about your platform
Following the outcome of the 2020 election, I felt like I could no longer stand on the sidelines and watch our country take a turn for the worse under the Biden Administration. We’ve seen poor leadership and a lack of accountability from our representatives. I am running for US Senate to bring new conservative leadership to Nevada and bring accountability to Washington. Nevada doesn’t need any more career politicians that have weakened our country. As Senator, I will prioritize national security by ensuring that our borders are secure and our federal immigration laws are enforced; promote modern day solutions to ensure our energy independence; cut wasteful federal spending to reduce our national debt and alleviate the high costs of inflation; ensure our elections are free and fair with national voter identification; defend our Second Amendment rights and the Constitution; rid our classrooms of anti-American ideology; honor and care for our veterans; and push for Congressional
term limits. I invite you to read more about the issues I am campaigning on by visiting my website

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
I have served this country once before and I am ready to serve it again. I was not born into political power; I was raised in a working-class family and understand the sacrifices many take
to make it in this life. I bring genuine life experience and a strong will that will not fold to political pressure.
Attending West Point taught me leadership and how to implement those skills to create unit cohesion and cooperation. It is my responsibility to assemble a team that I view will bring strong representation and knowledge to assist Nevadans. I also understand that I do not have all the answers and believe with that comprehension, I will stay in a learning state of mind.
I started a small business assisting some of our most at-risk community members – helping with medication claims whenever the current system fails our veterans. When running a small business, you must do a lot of things that Congress could certainly benefit from learning: sticking to your word and promises; following through and getting the job done; managing resources; meeting deadlines; and the importance of sticking to a budget.
Additionally, I am a father of three and a husband. For many, family takes precedence over everything. Our children are our future so our leaders must make impactful decisions that benefit them. It is time that we, as a nation, break the chain of over-politicized and uninformed policy decisions that impact generations to come.
I strongly believe that I am suited to best represent Nevada. Unlike my opponents, my campaign is free from the backing of political elites and special interest groups. I’m running to represent Nevadans – not D.C. politicos that trade in favors.
I am here to serve and put duty to country first.

William “Bill” Conrad
Address: 11 N. Sierra St, Suite 103, Reno, NV 89501
Occupation: Retired Lieutenant Colonel, U.S. Army, President of the National Association of Podcasters and Professional Ski Patroller.
Age: 64
Contact: and 

William "Bill" Conrad


Record of service:
Bill Conrad is a retired U.S. Army Lieutenant Colonel, Combat Veteran (4 tours in Afghanistan, highest awarded, Bronze Star), Special Forces Team Leader (Green Beret), and a graduate of the United States Military Academy, West Point. Including his four years at West Point, Bill served 35 years on active and reserve status. Additionally, Bill served 5 years, 10 months as City Councilman and later Vice Mayor of Modesto, California. On September 11, 2001, Bill was recalled back to active duty. In 2009 while still on active duty, Bill made Nevada his home. He retired in 2012 and moved his family to Reno. He has three children, Bryan, a Lieutenant Commander, and a graduate of the United States Coast Guard Academy, Kailey, a cadet, and currently a senior, and Joanna, a cadet, and sophomore both at the United States Military Academy, West Point, NY.

USMA 1980 BS Engineering with a minor in Political Science.
Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.
The Senate of the United States shall be composed of two Senators from each State, elected by the people thereof, for six years; and each Senator shall have one vote — The Constitution, Article 1, Section 3 (as amended). My job is to represent the people of the great State of Nevada. Senate has exclusive authority to approve–or reject–presidential nominations to executive and judicial offices, and to provide–or withhold–its “advice and consent” to treaties negotiated by the executive. The Senate also has the sole power to try impeachments and the power of the purse.

A brief statement about your platform
Drain The Swamp – If elected to the U.S. Senate to represent Nevada, my first vote will not be for the current GOP leader Mitch McConnell, but instead, I will do everything in my power to elect a conservative. For too long, an elite in a far-distant capital has controlled us through mandates, orders, and administrative directives. It is time for this to stop and never happen again!
National Security – It is the first responsibility of our federal government. We must have secure borders and maintain a strong national defense.
America’s Debt – America’s national debt is over the $30 trillion debt mark. We need to pass a historic tax cut, eliminate unnecessary regulations, and reduce the size of the federal government in order to get the economy going again and pay off this debt.
Right to Life – I have always been and will be pro-life.
The Constitution and Bill of Rights – These are the most important documents in American History, and they are under attack, especially the 1st and 2nd Amendments.
What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
I believe I bring a wealth of experience from my work in local government as an elected city councilman, as a combat veteran, and as a businessman. Prior to 9/11, I was a city councilman and small business owner. After 9/11 I returned my efforts to defending our country. I had some incredible duty positions from working with the defense reduction agency to serving multiple tours in Afghanistan with broadened my perspective on our world.

Adam Laxalt
Occupation: Attorney, former Nevada Attorney General
Age: 43

Adam Laxalt


Record of service:
U.S. Navy, Nevada Attorney General

Education (Schools attended and degrees obtained — as short as possible) Georgetown University and Law School

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.
I am running to be a voice for Nevada families and to give representation to those who have been forgotten by the establishment in Washington, D.C.

A brief statement about your platform
Joe Biden and Catherine Cortez Masto are taking our country in the wrong direction. Prices on gasoline, groceries and everything else are soaring. I'll fight to stop the reckless spending causing record inflation and I'll work to remove leftist limitations on American energy resources that increase prices at the pump. Crime is out of control in our states and along our border. I'll stop the onerous attempts to defund our police and fight to ensure our border is actually secure.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
The pain caused by inflation, gas prices and mandates affect everybody. This is why Nevadans from both parties are extremely unhappy with the direction this country is headed. Senator Catherine Cortez Masto is making these problems worse. I cleaned up after Masto as her successor in the Nevada Attorney General's office, and I will do so again as her successor in the U.S. Senate. She voted to slow domestic energy production; I will vote to empower it. She supported mandates that made people choose between their beliefs and their jobs, I will protect working Americans from government overreach. She voted for trillions in reckless deficit spending, I will oppose it.
As Nevada’s Attorney General, I organized the first ever statewide law enforcement summit to bring police, sheriffs and peace officers from across Nevada together. We funded additional incinerators around the state to get dangerous drugs like fentanyl off our streets. We also arranged for every law enforcement agency in the state to have naloxone as an antidote to opioids overdoses in the line of duty.
We also increased protections for victims of domestic violence, expanding resources for victims and worked with law enforcement to address Nevada's long rape kit backlog, which had left victims waiting for justice for years before action was taken.

Carlo Poliak
Carlo Poliak

my agenda:
(1) S/S rtn to 62/65.
(2) eliminate foreign aid and apply such money to U.S citizens health/safety/welfare.
(3) illegals have no constitutional rights!
(4) life for a life...eliminate life in prison.
(5) English sole language.
(6) free medical and college tuition.
 assist the wretched homeless


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