Primary Election 2022: Nevada Governor - Republicans

Candidates Seven Achilles Evans, Gary “Radar” Evertsen, Tom Heck, John Lee, Stanleigh Harold Lusak and Amber Whitley didn’t respond to multiple emails about being included.

Eddie Hamilton
Resident: Henderson
Occupation: Investor and Manufacturing Executive Engineer & Supply chain economist. Formerly an Educator
Contact: Twitter @VegasHAMILTON ; GETTR @VegasHAMILTON ; Truth Social @VegasHAMILTON; Instagram “elect.hamilton.militia Governor;

Eddie Hamilton


Record of service:
Elected member of the Nevada Republican Party Central Committee (NVGOP); the Clark County Republican Party Central Committee (CCRP); President of CCM - Nevada (Coalition for A Conservative Majority); former candidate for Mayor of Henderson, NV

Two college degrees incl. a graduate degree (also attended law school but failed the bar)

A brief statement about your platform
What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
I am running to be your first ever lawfully elected constitutional People’s Militia Governor for the Battleborn Silver State of Nevada in 2022. A state emergency is present due to the continuing assault and subversion of our DEMOCRACY in Carson City (there are no more checks & balances; legislative regular order or process & bi-partisanship are no longer respected … a one party rule only in Carson City). The state constitution Article-12, however, permits the governor of Nevada to invoke “state militia” measures to deal with prevailing emergency situation such as the continuing assaults on our democracy in Carson City. Free, fair, and secure election is the bedrock of our democracy and constitutional form of government!
I am asking for your Vote, respectfully…
For starters, since there are more than 14 of us running for governor on the Republican ballot, so please bring a $10-bill, when you cast your ballot: The my “Hamilton” name is listed on the $10-bill …lol
I am a solid patriot conservative Republican who once ran for governor against the liberal Republican governor Brian Sandoval. I finished second in that primary. I, therefore, have the experience of running a statewide campaign in the Battleborn Silver State of Nevada. Republican voters in Nevada know me.
In this election cycle, I am the ONLY president Trump’s RNC 2016 National Delegate amongst the 14 Republicans running. I promise you that I will carry the Trump Torch for America First Agenda all the way to 2024!
In 2015/2015 I was the president of CCM-Nevada (Coalition for a Conservative Majority). We were instrumental in flipping the US Senate into a Republican majority nationwide and thus we ended the status of Harry Reid, as the Senate Majority Leader!
As background information, I am an Investor and an Manufacturing Executive Engineer, who is also a Supply chain (supply side) economist. I have two college degrees …
Over my career, I have built many car & truck assembly plants, as well as several transmission or engine factories. I did the training of thousands of work force in tooling and manufacturing processes.
Now, let me talk about my campaign for governor: I think DEMOCRACY is dead in the Nevada government. We no longer a constitutional state government. The socialist Democrats have been subverting our democracy and constitutional form of government in Carson City for years. This is the state of emergency for calling out the state militia, as prescribed in the Nevada state constitution Article 12 (and backed by legislation as enshrined in the NRS-chapter 412)
The socialist Democrats in Nevada believe in an autocratic form of government where there are no more checks & balances and a regular order of bi-partisanship in running the state is gone. The Democrats have actually rigged our election system by passing legislations called Assembly Bill AB-4 and AB-21 - universal mail-in ballot - and using unsecured ballot drop-off boxes. Consequently, Nevada is now a one-party soviet socialist style state. An emergency exists for a state militia governor.

Dean Heller
Occupation: Rancher
Age: 61
Contact:;  702-816-8254;

Dean Heller


Record of Service:
Nevada Secretary of State, Nevada Assembly; United States Congress; United States Senate.

Graduated Carson High, Class of 1978; BA in Business, Marshall School of Business, University of Southern California, graduated Cum Laude, 1985; Distinguished USC Alumni Award, 2012

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.
To serve as Chief Executive of the State of Nevada; to implement policies that will enhance the freedom and prosperity of Nevada’s citizens; to veto legislation that will be detrimental to the lives of Nevada’s citizens.

A brief statement about your platform:
My platform centers of the pillars of faith, family, and freedom. Under my administration, there will be no mask or vaccine mandates. There will be no lockdowns. We must, and will, reform the state’s education system because it is currently failing our children. Parents will have a stronger voice in education and political indoctrination will not be tolerated. In athletics, men will compete against men and women against women. We must, and will, ensure that our streets and neighborhoods are safe by rejecting sanctuary city policies and by enforcing immigration law. I will not tolerate restrictions on law abiding people’s right to keep and bear arms. We will have fair and honest elections. Under my administration, we will get our economy moving again and businesses will once again thrive. I will end the Commerce Tax and reject any proposals to raise taxes or implement new ones. I am pro-life and proud of it.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
My experience and devotion to conservative principles makes me the most qualified candidate for this position. I am the only proven conservative in this race, having helped write, alongside President Donald Trump, the America First Act. As a United States Senator, I voted for every Constitutional judge nominee that came before me and I passed more than a hundred pieces of legislation. My dedication to the men and women of law enforcement was rewarded with an endorsement by the Nevada Police Union because they know I will never waver in my commitment to making our streets and neighborhoods safer. I have championed and advocated for health care policies that provide the most options and the highest quality of care for our citizens. As Governor, I will fight to end the “public option” in our health care system. I will not stand by while Nevada continues to be on the top of every “bad” list in America, especially when it comes to our children. Our schools are failing our kids and we need to restore parents’ voices and provide choice in education. When I was Secretary of State, Nevada had free, fair, and reliable elections. I will restore integrity to the voting process. The people of Nevada were crushed by the Covid-related policies of Governor Sisolak. As Nevada’s next Governor, I will usher in a new era of freedom of prosperity for Nevada.

Joey Gilbert
Resident: Reno
Occupation: Trial attorney and Private Entrepreneur
Age: 45
Contact: email: 

Joey Gilbert

 Record of Service:US Air Force Reserve - 2001 - 2007

UNR - BA degree - English Literature and Political Science
Thomas Jefferson Law School - Juris Doctor - Passed NV Bar - 2004

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.
I see the core duties of Governor as keeping the state of Nevada financially solvent and providing all its residents with: consistent public safety protection, affordable options for healthcare and housing, top quality infra-structure, abundant clean water and energy sources, a diverse and growing economy, and top-quality schools.

A brief statement about your platform:
My platform's strongest planks include: Securing election integrity, Never again allowing government overreach with healthcare issues, Taking back our public schools, Turning Nevada's water crisis into a water surplus, providing firm, fair law enforcement, Protecting the 2nd Amendment, Solving the homeless problem with NO federal or state funds, diversifying and strengthening our economy, and Strongly enforcing the law against illegal immigration. (See for more details)

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
I know the issues far better than any other candidate and have the most realistic and effective solutions, especially in regard to taking back our public education system and solving our water crisis.
I have the most demonstrated moral courage to confront our biggest challenges; and nothing can substitute for this quality.
I have proven to have the strongest work ethic in this field, a trait that is critically important if a governor hopes to achieve his/her goals.
I am running to be EVERYONE's Governor, because Nevada's future depends on our residents' willingness to work together to find mutually beneficial solutions. I am a proven expert at getting people from all possible perspectives to collaborate, without compromising any of my principles.

Joseph “Joe” Lombardo
Address: Las Vegas
Occupation: Sheriff of Clark County
Age: 59

Joseph Lombardo


Record of service:
I served in the United States Army in the Armor Battalion. After serving in the Army, I continued my service in the Nevada National Guard. After the military, I began my career in 1988 with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department. Throughout my 26 years on the police force, I served as a sergeant, lieutenant, captain, deputy chief, and assistant sheriff. In 2014, I was elected as Clark County Sheriff, and in 2018, I was reelected.

Masters of Science, Crisis Management - UNLV, 2006
Bachelors of Science, Engineering - UNLV, 1985

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.
I'm running to be the next Governor of Nevada. The Governor of Nevada is tasked to serve as the state's chief executive officer. In functioning as our state's CEO, the governor oversees Nevada's executive branch and our legislative operations and process.
A brief statement about your platform:
As governor, I'm ready to restore law & order, fix our education system, and build a strong, diversified economy on Day One. To start, I'll work to repeal soft-on-crime policies that handcuff police and make our communities less safe. Within education, I'll bring accountability and school choice to our school system. Furthermore, I'll honor the voices of parents and ensure that our education system starts to work for every child and every family. For our economy, I'll expand workforce development, remove burdensome business regulations, reform occupational licensing requirements, and institute a "No New Taxes" policy – and that's just what I'd call a good start.
For far too long, Nevadans have suffered from a failing education system, soft-on-crime policies, and a slow economic recovery from COVID. Our state is moving in the wrong direction, but I'm prepared to get our state back on track. I'm running for governor so Nevadans across the state can have safer communities, better schools, and more economic opportunities.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
My tenure as Clark County Sheriff and as the head of the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department has given me the leadership and experience that Nevadans can trust to get our state back on track. More than just that, my military service and my 26 years of service as a police officer have given me the guts to make tough decisions and to stand up for what's right.
After the COVID crisis, it was clear to me that our state needs a leader who can make common-sense policy decisions in the best interest of Nevadans. As sheriff, I make hundreds of critical decisions to keep Clark County safe every day. As governor, I'm ready to keep all of Nevada safe – and I'll never wait for the Governor of California to tell me what to do.
As the sheriff of Nevada's most populous county, I've overseen a $1.3 billion dollar budget, 6,000 employees, and the police department's efforts to protect thousands of visitors and millions of Clark County residents each day. Similarly, the governor oversees billions of dollars in the state's budget and thousands of employees and is tasked with leading and protecting our state. My time as sheriff of Clark County has perfectly prepared me for this role, and I'm ready to protect and serve our state as governor.

Guy Nohra
Resident: Las Vegas
Occupation: Entrepreneur
Age: 62
Contact Information:;

Guy Nohra


Record of Service:
I am a businessman and have never run for political office. At the age of 15, I served in a Christian militia in my home country of Lebanon to protect my family, my freedoms, and my faith.

I received my undergraduate degree from Stanford University and a MBA from the University of Chicago.
Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.
The Governor serves as our state’s CEO, ensuring state government works for you, and most importantly, protects the rights of all Nevadans as enshrined in our Constitution.

A brief statement about your platform
I am running for governor because the politicians in our state have failed on their core objective; serving Nevadans. As a businessman, I will make state government work for you. That starts by auditing every department, fixing agencies like the DMV an DETR, and giving you the best service available. I’ll fight for parents’ rights in educating their children through school choice, I’ll work to rebuild and expand our economy, and I will always protect your freedoms and liberties. I’ll tackle our water, housing, and health care issues head on. We will cut red tape for businesses, get rid of the onerous licensing requirements, and keep taxes low. And last but certainly not least, I will back our blue to ensure our communities are safe for you and your family. My administration will be all about serving you in the best way possible and making our state a model for the nation. Finally, you’ll have a governor who will have your back.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
I am the best qualified candidate for governor because of my life story and experience of being an executive and CEO my entire life. I have helped start over 180 companies, served on several boards, audit committees, and worked with a lot of budgets. These companies have helped find cures for complex medical issues like cancer and congestive heart failure.
I come from Lebanon, where at the age of 15, I trained and fought in a civil war to protect my family, my community, my freedoms, and my faith. When my parents found out, they sent me to America to live with my aunt. I quickly embraced America by going to school, playing football, running track, and even played in a rock n roll cover band. I then became an American citizen which is still one of the proudest moments of my life.
My entire life story of fighting for my freedoms in Lebanon to starting companies here in the United States have led me to be the best qualified candidate to serve as your next governor.
Many candidates running will promise you the world and will speak in talking points, but in order to take back our state and turn it around, we need someone who has actually done the things they talk about – I have. Results, not just lip service.
Politicians have gotten us to this point, it’s time for a businessman to fix our state. As a political outsider, I am beholden to no one but you. That is how I will tackle every issue if you give me the honor of serving as your next Governor.

Edward O'Brien
Resident: Pahrump
Occupation: Currently an energy consultant with Kayo energy
Age: 29

Edward O'Brien

I have been a resident of Nevada now for 29 years, specifically Pahrump, born in Las Vegas. I attended Pahrump Valley high school where I graduated in 2011. I attended some college for fire technology management, hazardous materials, and EMS and acquired numerous certifications through that.
I was very close to joining the military back in 2013 however I needed to help my family maintain their farmland here in Pahrump. I would say my leadership acumen throughout my life has brought me to the decision to run for office of Governor of the state of Nevada.

A brief statement about your platform
There are many things we are currently facing in the state of Nevada, I'm sure you know. I want to work toward better healthcare, veteran affairs, education and what we teach and budget as a whole. agriculture, water resources, innovation, economic development, homelessness as a whole, and much more. Obviously it takes much more than one person to make all this come to fruition but I am confident we can make things happen with the help of the people of Nevada. In the Core duties of the office of Governor I want to implement and maintain transparency with the people. Solidify emergency action plans, protect the rights of the people. And act as a liaison.

Dr. Fred Simon
Resident: Gardnerville
Occupation: He was Medical Director of trauma and Medical Director of general surgical hospitalist service in the Scripps Hospital system where he oversaw hundreds of employees and built team to address complex medical, operational, and financial issues.

Dr. Fred Simon


Record of Service:
Dr. Fred Simon is a trauma surgeon, businessman and constitutional conservative who is running as a Republican for Governor from Gardnerville, Nevada.
Dr. Simon is a healthcare expert, a COVID expert and one of the leading medical patient advocates in the country.
Dr. Simon has extensive experience with education having educated Naval-Marine Corps medics for over twenty years in trauma care at Fort Pendleton and the Balboa Naval Hospital. He has been involved with the public school system for over 20 years with his wife being on the School Board for eight years, and two of those years as Chair. All of his children have attended public school.
Dr. Simon is a graduate of Loma Linda University and holds a Doctor of Medicine degree from Creighton University. He finished residency in Surgery at the University of Massachusetts Affiliated Program.

A brief statement about your platform
Dr. Simon has four immediate policy goals for his administration:
Voter ID – On Day One, Dr Simon will put the legislature on notice that no bills will be signed until the legislature puts a Voter ID bill on his desk that requires a signature verification from a voter.
School Choice – Day One, the entire State Education Board will be replaced. Dr. Simon’s goal is school choice where money follows the child and parents pick the school.
Healthcare – Day One the entire Nevada State Healthcare Board will be replaced with experts and Dr. Simon will take over as Chair. All mask and vaccine mandates will be abolished.  
Safe cities/Safe Communities – No one will be tougher on Crime than Dr Simon. He will bring in the toughest lawmen, like Rudy Giuliani and Bernie Kerik, as consultants and use Federal Gun laws and RICO  to go after the Drug and Trafficking gangs.

William Dock Walls
Resident: Las Vegas
Occupation: Owner AckSnak
Age: 64

William Walls


Record of service:
At age 25, I served as the Top Assistant to Chicago’s first progressive mayor, Harold Washington. I also served as a top Assistant to Illinois Republican Party Chairman Ed Vrodolyak. I later served as National Political Director for Jesse Jackson's Rainbow Coalition. I have helped to manage the campaigns of noted politicians, Republican, Democrat, Third Party, and Independent alike.
Throughout my career, I have helped to establish policies that have had a profound, lasting, positive impact on various Governments, nationwide. I have developed and published platforms which have been acknowledged as blueprints for improved public safety, inclusion, responsible government contracting, budgeting, and effective use of government funds. I am uniquely qualified to help advance and develop Nevada, and help this state achieve its full potential.
I am a Compassionate, Free Thinking, Independent, Fiscally Responsible, Socially Responsive, Renaissance Republican.
My promise is to "Tax Less, and Do More."

I graduated Tuskegee University with a Bachelors of Science Degree in Political Science, and earned my Juris Doctor Degree from Illinois Institute of Technology - Chicago Kent College of Law.

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.
The Governor is the Chief Executive Officer of the state. The Governor's responsibility is to establish the priorities; develop and balance the budget; provide for the common defense; ensure civility; and to take care of those who are weak, afflicted, in-firmed or disoriented.

A brief statement about your platform
Establish irreproachable Public Safety Services;
Develop and efficiently maintain our Public Infrastructure;
Enrich the Aging and Disability Services Division to ensure the health and well being of our Senior Citizens;
Provide a superior Public School Education for each and every individual child;
Through public initiatives, private initiatives and comprehensive tax reform, stimulate Nevada's economy to foster Full Employment;
Maximize Public-Private Partnerships to eradicate Homelessness, Poverty, and Despair;
Empower people through Voter Registration, Voter Education and Voter Mobilization;
Oppose Voter Suppression efforts and protect the right to vote;
Lobby Congress to pass Comprehensive Immigration Reform;
Diversify our economy;
Create a Nevada Business First public-private Initiative;
Make Nevada the world center for Technology Development;
Fight to ensure that no child goes to bed homeless or hungry;
Program the Nevada Department of Employment, Training, and Rehabilitation to train and retrain adults;
Restore full funding to the Nevada Offices of Veterans and Adult Mental Health Services;
Update and improve Nevada’s Water acquisition agreements;
Retool Nevada’s water conservation and water reclamation efforts;
Explore the feasibility of desalination agriculture.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
I am the most qualified candidate for Nevada Governor because I am the only Republican candidate able to provide an alternative for voters who want to preserve American Democracy and reject extremist polarizing Ideologies, Groups, or Individuals.
I’m campaigning to connect with any and all Nevada voters who want to preserve American Democracy and reject extremist polarizing Ideologies, Groups, or Individuals. I will speak truth to power, raise the level of discussion, and challenge my opponents to be kind and thoughtful.
As governor, I will work with Democrats, Republicans, Independents, unions, Administrators, special interest groups, and other responsible organizations to provide a superior Public School Education for each and every individual child. That transcends the development of modern buildings with state-of-the-art equipment and facilities, which may be conducive to a safe and productive educational environment.
I will make "Made In Nevada" mean something significant; curtail Human Trafficking by making certain the various policing agencies are informed and aware of all open human trafficking investigations, and have access to vital information including the names and descriptions of victims and suspects; Transition Nevada from debt to fund services revenue and expenditure system to a pay as you go revenue and expenditure system.
I am the only candidate for Governor who can unify this state by promoting cultural and diversity sensitivity amongst people of all ages, races, socio-economic backgrounds, all religious persuasions, all sexual orientations, all physical and mental disabilities or limitations.

Barak Zilberberg
Resident: Las Vegas
Occupation: Real Estate Investor, Builder, Entrepreneur, Contractor      
Age: 50

Barak Zilberberg


Record of service: 
I always worked hard, and smart since the age of 10 years old. I started as a grassroot plumbing apprentice at $5.00 per hour. I learned the trade, advertised in the papers for side hustle plumbing jobs. I was laid off, and started my own plumbing business. The art of me is building relationships, truthful, honest, sincere, reputable, always delivering what is promised and more. With that said I was able to build a plumbing company with 150 employees. I always bought my own properties of where I lived or worked out of.
As I was making money, I wisely, saved, accounted, and invested my hard earned dollars for the best use. I never thought about the money, what is it in for me, just constantly serving people, and the communities. I love people, when they are happy, so am I. I always worked with my heart, soul, and money blessings keep coming my way. When you do great things to serve our communities, great things happen to you.

Education: High School Graduate from Ulysses S. Grant, Los Angeles, Ca

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.
I am the CEO of our Great State of Nevada. With that said I can move the needle for the people, by the people, and with the people. I as Governor will have a diverse cabinet, and an outreach to each American, diversity, ethnicity, color, race, religion, and sexual orientation.

A brief statement about your platform
Mr. Zilberberg is passionate about contributing positively to society. In running for Governor of Nevada in 2022, he aims to improve upon the education of children with an emphasis on nutrition and fitness to prolong life expectancy, as well as advise children and adults on the significance of financial autonomy, learning how to manage assets and how to properly invest. Ultimately, he intends to set an example to the nation regarding how higher education intertwines all aspects of society. By focusing his efforts on the improvement of childhood education, Mr. Zilberberg endeavors to do what is in the best interest of the nation’s citizens all while remaining true to his core values. In this sentiment, he also seeks to integrate the homeless population into modern society by providing them with fulfilling jobs that will serve as a foundation for their future success.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position
We need entrepreneurs, in leadership as Governor, and President of The United States. The state must be ran as a business, and so for our country. People in this position should have the ability to run a successful business, with profitability, with a proven track record. I am an entrepreneur, not a corrupt career politician.
Most of the corrupt career politicians are working for themselves, NOT for the people. They work closely with special interests groups, use the people for the vote, promise the world, once elected in office, they forgot what they said, and promised. Then you are stuck with the person for 4 years.
Our Great State of Nevada, and our country is heading in the wrong direction. For over a year, I am on the ground listening, hearing peoples pains, needs, and wants in leadership. People cannot afford to live with the gas, rent, food, interest rates, the inflation is through the roof. Our homeless is increasing by the day, they need to choose to pay rent, or be out in the street. We do not have rent control ordinances. Our landlords can raise the rent within the expiration of the year lease to market. We need to build affordable housing for us Nevadans, and Americans. Our Nevadans are out bid with the homes, because of large Real Estate Corporations buying up homes by the hundreds, and influx population outbidding our Nevadan Americans.
Our school districts are the worst in the nation, I would love to bring it up to a number one stance. We will be self-sufficient as a State, where we will have manufacturing, industries, jobs and growth.
Our seniors, veterans will be taken care of. Encouraging more first responders on the force. Make sure we adhere to our constitution, amendments in whole, not in part.


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