Texas Sen. Ted Cruz stumps for Adam Laxalt at three rallies

Sen. Ted Cruz addresses a crowd at the Douglas County Community & Senior Center on in April.

Sen. Ted Cruz addresses a crowd at the Douglas County Community & Senior Center on in April.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.

Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas, praised former Nevada Attorney General Adam Laxalt’s campaign for the U.S. Senate during Thursday’s campaign swing to three Nevada counties.

“Revival is coming,” Cruz said. “I believe that with all my heart, the history of American politics is like a pendulum.”

About 130 residents packed a room in the Douglas County Community & Senior Center on Thursday to hear Laxalt and Cruz on Thursday.

Retired Douglas County Sheriff Ron Pierini grew up in Carson City when the Laxalt family had a significant presence in the capital. As attorney general, he said Laxalt was supportive of Nevada’s 17 sheriffs.

Sheriff Dan Coverley expressed concern over the illegal narcotics being smuggled in from Mexico.

Assemblyman Jim Wheeler, who is running for State Sen. James Settelmeyer’s seat and Blayne Osborn, who is running for Wheeler’s seat in the Assembly, spoke to the crowd before Cruz and Laxalt arrived at the community center.

Laxalt, who served as Nevada’s Republican attorney general from 2015-19, but failed in his attempt to defeat Gov. Steve Sisolak in 2018, is seeking the seat currently held by U.S. Sen. Catherine Cortez Masto, who preceeded him as attorney general.

Depending on which poll voters follow, the race is shaping up to be one of the tightest in the country with Cortez Masto, a Democrat, leading in some polls and Laxalt in others.

“There is an incredible reservoir of common sense in Nevada and all across the country,” Cruz said. “I’m here to tell you people eyes are opening up.”

Cruz, who has worked with Laxalt over the years, appeared at the first Basque Fry in 2015 at the Corley Ranch south of Gardnerville as a presidential contender. He predicts a tidal wave ebbing for the Republicans is on its way and that Nevada is in the frontline in the battle to retake the country.

“I’m proud to support my friend Adam Laxalt,” Cruz said. “I know this man. I know his heart. I know his record. I know who he is.”

Cruz said Laxalt, who served a tour in Iraq as a prosecutor and legal adviser with the U.S. Navy, was one the most conservative attorneys general. The two-term senator from the Lone Star state said the Senate needs people like Laxalt.

“I’m looking forward in January to walking down the hallway in the U.S. Capitol with Adam Laxalt,” Cruz said.

In his campaign stops, Cruz cited the pitfalls of the Biden administration which included rising inflation, open borders and increasing crime. He added the other party’s attempts to abolish police by some Democrats as well as the coronavirus pandemic response to shut down small businesses and schools.

“I am here to tell you we’re here to take our country back,” he said to loud cheers and clapping.

When Laxalt took the microphone to talk to the enthusiastic crowd, he accused the media for attacking Cruz when he first won his Senate seat in 2012.

“They’re wearing a blue jersey, and they are supporting Democrats,” he said, adding the media — in particular the major news outlets — is distorting the news and not asking any difficult questions of Cortez Masto.

Laxalt said his opponent has started her “massive shift” to the middle and hasn’t stood with Nevadans during the past several years. He said Cortez Masto should’ve had that independent spirit to oppose key parts of the Biden agenda like Democratic Sens. Kyrsten Sinema of Arizona and Joe Manchin of West Virginia.

“This is going to be Ground Zero for the U.S. Senate,” Laxalt said of his race against Cortez Masto.

Laxalt also accused his opponent of supporting open borders for years; however, he also chided her for flip-flopping to oppose the end of Title 42, a controversial policy that allows the government to turn away migrants at the U.S. southern border.

Laxalt said the Republicans have a “once-in-a-generation”opportunity to flip Nevada red. He urged those in the audience to become involved and volunteer to defeat Cortez Masto.

Cruz said Laxalt will stand up for common sense and the U.S. Constitution.

“When he gets to Washington, his job is to fight for the men and women of Nevada,” Cruz said.

Laxalt said his election to the Senate is crucial for his fellow Nevadans.

“It’s incredibly important that we make everyone know how important this race is … that we can’t get complacent,” he pointed out. “We need to make sure everyone turns out.”

Neither Cruz nor Laxalt mentioned his primary opponent, Sam Brown.

Many people who attended the rallies were interested in what both men had to say.

“They need to be in Las Vegas,” said Martin Cavanaugh, who attended the rally with his wife, Georgia. “Las Vegas will control who wins the election.”

Georgia Cavanaugh said it’s important to have both Washoe and Clark counties shift their votes to the Republicans.

“All of us know our country is in major dire straits right now,” Chris Faught added.

Faught said she characterizes Nevada as a red state and that the real heart of the country is in the rural counties.

“We are the voice of the people,” she said.

Kristi Wagoner said she wanted to hear Cruz and Laxalt.

“I respect him (Cruz) as a senator for our county and his support of the American people,” she said.

Wagoner said she was also interested in listening to Laxalt’s points and what he can do for Nevada.

“I’m definitely looking for a candidate who’s conservative who is concerned about the citizens and the people of Nevada,” she said.

John Larson said he’s been listening to Cruz on the senator’s podcasts, but he doesn’t know much about Laxalt.

“Most important to me is somebody who is an America First candidate,” he said. “He doesn’t necessarily need to be a Trump supporter but someone who cares about this country and the people here.”

Larson said after listening to Laxalt, he will do his homework to learn more.

“That’s the important thing (to do) as an American,” he said.



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