The hill above Topaz Ranch Estates is starting to green up after the Tamarack Fire.
John Flaherty | Special to The R-C
Genoa, Nev. — The Red Cross Caldor Fire evacuation shelters at the Reno-Sparks Convention Center and the Reno Livestock Events Center officially closed on Monday night. There are some Tahoe residents displaced by the fire, still, but with most of South Lake Tahoe open they can be closer to home.
Firefighters are making good progress on both the Caldor and Dixie fires. The Caldor is 67 percent contained as of last report while firefighters have a line around three-quarters on the Dixie Fire. Nearly 2,000 firefighters demobilized off the Dixie Fire while 403 have moved off the Caldor Fire.
Douglas County School Superintendent Keith Lewis is scheduled to have his first personnel review today. School Resource Officer Deputy John Meyer is also scheduled to make a presentation to the Douglas County School Board 4 p.m. today in the Douglas High School Media Center. You can find out more by visiting and clicking board meetings.
Planning Commission should be relatively quiet today with an appeal of the dedication of 10 feet of right of way along Genoa Lane related to a tentative parcel map.
The third to the last Esmeralda Avenue Farmers Market is 4-8 p.m. today in downtown Minden. The final Main Street Farmers Market is scheduled for 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. Wednesday in Heritage Park in Gardnerville.
Expect sunny skies and a high near 87 degrees today with the wind calm picking up to around 5 mph out of the north this afternoon. We’ve yet to have a freeze, so far, but low temperatures are supposed to drop into the upper 30s on Sunday.
Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Reach him at