In the Spotlight for 2-5

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Father-daughter sweetheart dances

The Douglas County Parks & Recreation Department hosts the Father-Daughter Sweetheart Dance, 6-8:30 p.m. today and Saturday at the St. Gall Pastoral Center, 1343 Centerville Lane, Gardnerville. DJ dance music. Refreshments served and photos available for purchase. Cost is $20 per couple and $8 per additional daughter. Tickets not sold at the door. Register at Douglas County Parks & Recreation, 1327 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville. Information, 782-9828.

Rummage sale benefits Carson 4-H

Quilting, craft and sewing supplies available at the Carson City 4-H annual fabric and rummage sale, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday and 9 a.m. to noon Sunday, at Fuji Park Exhibit Hall, 601 Old Clear Creek Road, Carson City. Proceeds support the Carson City/Storey County 4-H Council Education Scholarship Program. Donations of clean fabric and used items accepted for the rummage sale at 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. today, at the Fuji Park Exhibit Hall. Information, 887-2252.

Cattlewomen's dinner dance

The Western Nevada Cattlewomen's scholarship dinner dance is 6 p.m. Saturday at the CVIC Hall in Minden. Beef dinner with all the fixings, no-host bar, silent and live auctions and dancing to Buffalo Country. Cost is $17 adults, $7 children, 3 and younger free. Proceeds go to scholarships for graduating high school students pursuing careers in agriculture. Tickets available from WNCW president Vicki Hone, 782-4571, or at the door.

YAH Super Bowl party

Young at Heart Senior Citizen Club sponsors a free Super Bowl party, 1 p.m. Sunday, at the Douglas County Senior Center, 2300 Meadow Lane, Gardnerville. Bring a dish for the pot luck. YAH supplies soft drinks, coffee, chips and hot dogs. Games and prizes. Information, 783-6455.

Learn scuba

Douglas County 4-H and Strictly Scuba host a meeting for the 4-H scuba program, 6 p.m. Tuesday, at the Cooperative Extension Office, 1329 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville. Parents must attend. Lessons continue twice a month at Carson Valley Swim Center. Youth age 9 and older learn to scuba dive in a pool with diving equipment and have the opportunity to get open-water dive certification. Scuba instructors are experienced divers who completed background checks, and are specially trained to work with children. Required reservations, 884-3483.

Rocha speaks in museum lecture

Former Nevada Archivist Guy Rocha speaks about "When the Rich and Famous Came to Douglas County and Carson City to Tie and Untie the Knot" at the Douglas County Historical Society's lecture of the month, 7 p.m. Thursday, at the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center, 1477 Highway 395, Gardnerville. Admission $3, free for historical society members. Information, 782-2555.

Barbershop quartets sing Valentines

The Chorus of the Comstock will be doing singing Valentines on Feb. 12-14. The cost of $35 sends a barbershop quartet to a place of employment, residence or restaurant to serenade the love of your life with two love songs and present him or her with a Valentine's Day card and a long-stemmed red rose. Reservations, (888) 904-1999.


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