Vaccine clinics at Walker Senior Center this month

Mono County health nurse Carolyn Balliet has let me know that she will be at the Walker Senior Center Tuesdays, Feb. 9 and 23. She will be happy to provide any immunizations you need, including H1N1. All you will need to do is call Sandi Rustan at the Walker Senior Center, (530) 495-2323, and schedule your visit.

Unfortunately, the last clinic had to be canceled, due to the heavy weather we had gotten, so don't pass up these opportunities.

Lions Club lunch

On Wednesday, Feb. 17, the Walker Senior Center is having a lunch which will be attended by several members of the Antelope Valley Lions Club.

You can enjoy visiting with them, as well has finding out what this hard-working group does for our Valley. Just let the senior center know that you are planning to attend.

New art on display

The Antelope Valley Artists group has completed a new display of paintings and photographs by some of our Valley's very talented artists at the Coleville library. Having seen their work, I'll promise that it will be worth the visit. Go and check out the pictures, and check out some books while you're there.

Advance notice for a fun dinner

I'll give you plenty of notice to get prepared for the annual Beta Sigma Phi corned beef and cabbage dinner at the Walker Community Center. This delicious meal will also include some delectable desserts.

The dinner will be held 5-7 p.m. Saturday, March 13. The cost for dinner is $12 for adults and $6 for those under 10 years old.

There will also be a no-host bar sponsored by the Antelope Valley Lions Club. The dinner proceeds will be used to fund the sorority's various community projects, including their Coleville High School Scholarship Fund.

It's a great evening to get out and see people you haven't seen for a while.

More weather coming?

If the forecasters are right, this coming weekend is supposed to bring us more of the cold and precipitation we've had lately. Stay warm and take care.

Lynne Katusich can be reached at or (530) 495-2552.


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