It's time to dig out your supply of peppermint candies and gum drops for some good old-fashioned holiday fun.
The Carson Valley Arts Council, Douglas County Parks & Recreation, Artistic Viewpoint and Lone Tree galleries are presenting the second annual gingerbread contest.
The contest last year was such a success, that organizer Dennis Little decided to do it again.
"We had so much fun last year, we know we'll at least have as much fun this year," said Little. "We had 15 contestants last year. We're hoping for double that this year."
Little retired from Douglas County Public Works three years ago, and since has become involved in the Carson Valley Theatre Group as well as the gingerbread contest. He made his first gingerbread house three years ago and was surprised that he could do as well as he did.
"I was pleasingly surprised at how easy it is to do," said Little, who said once you get started with the hobby, you're hooked.
"It mainly struck me as a fun, festive, decorative thing to do for Christmas," he said. "To me, it's something to promote friends, family, community. It gives you a reason to get together and have some good old-fashioned fun. Plus, with all the spices, it makes an excellent potpourri for the holidays."
Little said this year they're encouraging children ages 12 and younger to participate. Children and young adults, unlike those in the adult division, will be able to use packaged gingerbread house kits "if additional decorating is made," said Little, who believes that gingerbread house making has made a comeback and is on the rise in national popularity.
Just as last year, this year the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center has granted the gingerbread committee a space to display the sugary concoctions. The display and contest run concurrently with the museum's Christmas tree display and contest.
"The decorated Christmas trees and gingerbread houses make a wonderful ensemble together," said Little. "It helps promote interest in the Carson Valley Arts Council and it encourages people to visit the museum."
Visitors to the museum during the displays will pay the general admission fee, $3.
There is no fee for entering the contest. Gingerbread houses must be completed and brought to the museum by Nov. 31.
The gingerbread houses will be on display at the museum from Dec. 1-16. An artisans reception will be held Saturday afternoon, Dec. 16.
Applications are available at: The Douglas County Parks & Recreation Office, 1327 Waterloo Lane, Gardnerville; Artistic Viewpoints Gallery & Studio, 168-B Highway 395, Gardnerville; Lone Tree Gallery, 1589 Esmeralda Ave., Minden; or by contacting Dennis Little at or 267-5634.
Rules and Guidelines
n The contest is open to individuals, organizations and businesses. There is no entry fee.
n Entry forms should be completed and returned to the Carson Valley Arts Council, P.O. Box 244, Minden, NV 89423, prior to Nov. 20.
n Exhibits can be a house, church, barn, historic building, castle or any other whimsical structure. The CVAC reserves the right to reject any submittal deemed to be inappropriate for public viewing.
n Each entry must be securely attached to a rigid board, preferably 5/8-inch plywood. The maximum size board is 24 by 24 inches. All intermediate sizes are allowed, i.e. 12 by 18 inches, 20 by 20 inches, etc. No portion of the exhibit can overhang the edge of the board.
n Each gingerbread house must be made entirely of edible, safe food substances. No toxic glues, chemicals or industrial dyes can be used. Non-visible interior wooden supports are allowed.
n Attach your name and phone number to the underside of the display base.
n All entries must be brought to the Carson Valley Museum & Cultural Center, 1477 Highway 395, Gardnerville during the week of Nov. 20. Further information on times of delivery will be supplied to each applicant.
n Entries may be taken home after the artisan's reception on Dec. 16. All remaining entries must be picked up on Dec. 18. The CVAC reserves the right to donate unclaimed entries.
n The CVAC reserves the right to photograph entries for promotional purposes; photographs become the property of the CVAC.
n First-, second- and third-place ribbons will be presented in the following categories: Children's division, ages 12 and younger; young adult, 13-17 years old; and adults ages 18 and older.
n Store bought "gingerbread craft kits" may be used in the children's and young adult division, provided additional decorative candies are used to personalize the kit.
n The winners will be announced at the artists' reception on Dec. 16. The decision of the CVAC is final.
n Questions concerning this contest should be directed to Dennis Little at or by phone, 267-5634.
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