Main Street Fall Festival opens a busy October

A member of the Stor-All Active Carson Valley 20-30 Club prisoners high fives a member of the Main Street Gardnerville team during last weekend's coffin races in Gardnervill.

A member of the Stor-All Active Carson Valley 20-30 Club prisoners high fives a member of the Main Street Gardnerville team during last weekend's coffin races in Gardnervill.

Last weekend’s turnout at the annual Main Street Gardnerville Fall Festival approached record numbers as residents lined up to watch the annual coffin races.

“I can't even begin to estimate how many attended throughout the day, but by observation alone, there was a steady flow from 8:45 until the event ended at 3 p.m.,” Main Street Director and coffin driver Jen Nalder said on Monday. “I will say it was hugely successful, and the best Fall Festival we have hosted to date.”The festival had more than  60 vendors on hand, and the Carson Valley FFA showed up with their students and petting zoo.

East Fork Gallery was busy with scarecrow making and facepainting, with performances by All about Dance and Aerial Arts, Dance Workshop,  Mendiko Euskaldun Cluba Basque Dancers and Northwest Martial Arts. Monique DeHaviland of Moxy Rukus has organized the local musician line-ups for the last few years and brought local talents Front Porch, Miki Rae and the Hooligans and of course Moxy Rukus to the stage.

“The Haunted Hay Ride of mostly true tales of Downtown Gardnerville hosted by the Borges Carriage Rides was a hit,” Nalder said. “Dwight and Diana Borges brought their carriages and crew to give attendees a neat backstage tour of Hellwinkle Barn, Eddy Street, and Courthouse to revisit the old haunts of Main Street.”

The eighth year of the coffin races, though not all the winners were first across the finish line.

Dance Workshop won of best costume for their entry the Cinderfellas.

“E. Clampus Vitus Clampers are always the fan favorites giving them the best coffin award for 2023, and their shenanigans won them the ‘Dead Last’ prize for this year's races.”

Nalder said the real competition was between Stor-All’s Black Betty pushed by the Carson Valley Active 20-30 Club and the Main Street Coffin. 

“The 20-30 team was fast and some of the best competition we have seen in a while,” she said. “They really brought the heat, but ultimately MSG was able to clinch the win for 2023.”

Nalder might be tad biased when talking about the Main Street team.

“The real champions are my incredible team, my husband Richey Nalder who has supported my fascination with the races since my first one with Anytime Fitness in 2017, father and son might duo Jason and Josh Gurule, this year's fourth runner Kory Johnson, and our master behind the scenes metal fabricator Casey Dallaire. Those guys deserve all the recognition,” she said.

China Spring Youth Camp provided parking support at the event.

The coffin race would not be quite so constrained had it not been for the donation of Settelmeyer hay.

“This has always been my favorite fundraising event we host each year and with its growing popularity we are able to raise even more money to invest into our downtown through our beautification projects like the hanging flower baskets and public art, and more importantly our Facade Improvement program currently being used for 2023 awardees: the Historian Inn's balcony project that is under construction as we speak, Re: Style's exterior paint and a new roof for the Cheshire Antique building.”

Main Street is hosting the last third Thursday Wine Walk of the season on Oct. 19.


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