Rear, David Granish [KI6EWK], Charles Gervie [K7PGI], Jeff Cauhape [K7BCV], Marylou Gervie [W1FE/XYL], Mel Hogan [WA6EYD], Roy Lothringer [N6SLD] Front, Ed Terlau [KG7ZOP], Shelley Lothringer [KC6ZOW], Jim Marshall [K6LR]. Insert: Bob Yandow [K7GUU].
Sierra Intermountain Emergency Radio Association announced its’ officers to start 2023.
Sadly, last year’s president, Jim Sanders, lost his life and is succeeded by Jeff Cauhape.
Ed Terlau was elected Vice President, Marylou Gervie is Treasurer; Shelley and Roy Lothringer are secretaries.
The club maintains a repeater [NV7CV] on Leviathan Peak that serves 2-Meter communications [147.330 MHz] for licensed ham radio operators, recreation, and travelers in Douglas, Alpine, Lyon, Carson City, and Churchill counties.
The club supports local bicycle, equestrian, and charity events, as well as helping spread information during forest fires, earthquake and inclement weather.
For more information about the association and its events, go to or their Facebook page, SIERA. For an open-to-all Q&A program, tune in to the Watering Hole, 7:30 p.m. every Wednesday at 147.330 MHz.
The club meets monthly and provides classes for new amateur radio operators.