Dec. 20, 2023, R-C Letters to the Editor

The staff at the Chocolate Shoppe raised $1,049 as part of the Carson Valley Health Foundation’s Round Up for Healthcare campaign

The staff at the Chocolate Shoppe raised $1,049 as part of the Carson Valley Health Foundation’s Round Up for Healthcare campaign

Thanks to the Chocolate Shoppe for donation


The Carson Valley Health Foundation is extending a huge thank-you to the Chocolate Shoppe. 

During the month of November, they participated in our Round Up for Healthcare campaign raising $1,049 towards local healthcare services here in the Carson Valley by asking their customers to add a donation of $1 or more at checkout. Our community really showed up for us and it shows through their generous donations.

The Chocolate Shoppe has always been a great supporter of ours and the Carson Valley community. 

We can’t thank them enough for not only raising funds, but for helping raise more awareness about who we are and what we do at the CVH Foundation. 

“Here at the Chocolate Shoppe we pride ourselves on being a generous partner in our community,” said owner Lynn Falcone. “We have so many customers who live in this area and always want to assist. We felt that by providing knowledge of the Carson Valley Health Foundation these wonderful people would become aware of the foundation, it’s goals and accomplishments. It worked! We were so proud to be a partner.”

They have already generously chosen to participate in this great campaign next November.

We can’t wait to do it again.

For more information on the Round Up for Healthcare campaign and how your business can help support local healthcare services, visit or message us at Slots are filling up quickly for next year, so don’t miss out.

Courtney Moore

Development Director 

Carson Valley Health 

Electors’ integrity well-known


I have had the pleasure of knowing Douglas County residents Jim DeGraffenreid, Shawn Meehan and Eileen Rice for many years. The integrity among them is well known in the community. They serve selflessly in many capacities and volunteer countless hours.

Don’t for a second believe the lies from the Attorney General, Aaron Ford. Notice that he submitted this to the grand jury in Clarke County so that there could be no doubt about the success of his so-called indictment.

Remember that this is the same AG that was a tool of the political left who was magically elected even though he is on video admitting “I am an attorney and I do not know what the word larceny means.” That’s some kind of an AG the left elected. Furthermore, in his speech celebrating the indictment, he refers to this great nation as a democracy, we are in fact a constitutional republic and those who do not understand the difference would do well to educate themselves.

Dainer Bailey


Magnotta should have 

kept resignation private


Regarding Douglas County School Board Trustee Tony Magnotta’s resignation letter, as reported by R-C reporter Sarah Drinkwine, I am very disappointed that Mr Magnotta voiced his complaints against his fellow trustees. Tony, we sent you three stalwart reinforcements in the last election. Instead of embracing the platform of the new trustees which you also ran on in your race, you joined with the side that we wanted to overcome within the district.

You had my full support as well as the support of many others in this county. But was this all rope- a- dope and this letter shows the real you? Or did someone from the red shirt brigade use you to strike out at the board majority?

You should have kept your resignation private between you and the rest of the trustees, so shame on you for choosing this obvious public path.

Beth Bunch

Jacks Valley

Wearing a crown?


The article about the school board president ignoring an approved motion of the majority of the board for the president and member Gilkerson to craft the procedure to select the new school superintendent is an eye-opener about how flippant the attitude has become regarding policy and procedures. In my 40 years of public service I have never heard of the chair of any board being able to set aside a majority approved motion. The president is one of seven members and, as such, does not have that authority. Someone needs to show me and the rest of Douglas County where that is spelled out.

The one sitting in the middle is only a figurehead with a gavel and a pen to be used only when authorized by the other seated officials. Last time I checked no local elected officials in Douglas County are authorized to wear crowns. My opinions are my own.

Maureen Casey


Thanks to DCSO for 

support this Hanukkah


Friday night a group of Douglas County and nearby residents gathered at the CVIC hall for Hanukkah hosted by Temple Bat Yam. 

Traditionally candles are lit for eight nights and Thursday was the eighth night.  

Given the dark times of the last months we chose to light candles one more night, Friday, to extend the celebration of light and freedom.   

I want to acknowledge and thank the Douglas County Sheriff’s Office for their presence Friday. As the news reports an increase in anti semitic incidents nationwide, there have also been incidents in our neighboring counties.  

Seeing the officers as we drove up and entered the hall gave many of us a sense of security we have not felt for recently. The three officers were gracious, courteous and warm.

Thank you Sheriff Coverly and all our Douglas County deputies. 

Jane Lommel



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