Primary Election 2022: Nevada Lieutenant Governor- Republicans

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Candidates Kameron Hawkins, Mack Miller II and Dan Schwartz didn’t respond to multiple requests for participation.

Stavros Anthony
Occupation: Las Vegas City Councilman, Ward 4
Age: 65

Stavros Anthony


Record of service:
I served as a police officer with the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department for 29 years, retiring as a police captain. I have been elected twice to the NSHE Board of Regents and 3 times to the Las Vegas City Council, representing Ward 4. I am currently the Mayor Pro Tem. I have been adjunct faculty at UNLV and CSN. I currently serve on the Fiscal Affairs Committee for LVMPD and the Southern Nevada Regional Transportation Commission.

B.S. Wayne State University, Masters UNLV, Ph.D UNLV, graduate of the FBI National Academy and Southern Police Institute Leadership School.

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.
Chair of the Tourism Commission, Vice-chair of the Transportation Commission, oversees the Small Business Advocacy Department and Homeland Security, President of the Senate.

A brief statement about your platform
What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
I have 12 years experience on the Las Vegas City Council promoting tourism. I have transportation experience as LVMPD Captain of the Transportation Safety Bureau and member of the Regional Transportation Commission. I have a record of supporting small business in Las Vegas by reducing taxes, fees, regulations and licensing requirements. I have 29 years of experience in homeland security. I run our city council meetings as the Mayor Pro Tem.
I am a constitutional conservative and will represent the entire state of Nevada.

Walter A. “Tony” Grady Jr.
Occupation: Retired Pilot & Entrepreneur
Age: 66

Walter A. “Tony” Grady Jr.


Record of service:
Tony Grady attended the United States Air Force Academy and commissioned as an officer in 1978. Following the completion of his commissioning, Tony went to serve as a test pilot and later commanded the B-2 Stealth Bomber program. He served honorably for twenty years and retired as a Lieutenant Colonel (O-5).

Bachelor of Science in Astronautical Engineering, United States Air Force Academy
Master of Science in Systems Management, University of Southern California
Master of Science in Airpower Art and Science, Air University

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for:
The role of the Lieutenant Governor stems as one of the Constitutional offices of the state and must ensure that Nevada focuses on economic development and tourism. A Lieutenant Governor must create an environment to bring business and talent into the state by working with leaders from the local-level and up.

A brief statement about your platform
As the son of a diplomat, I was fortunate to travel all around the world as a child. This unique experience allowed me to look from outside of the United States, live in other countries, and solidify that our country is uncontested as the best in the world. Our government can work for us and will when I am elected as your next Lieutenant Governor. I would like to take a different angle of attack in addressing economic development by working to improve our education system. Highly qualified individuals will be more incentivized to make Nevada their home if they see it as a viable option to raise a family. We must provide school choice as a potential solution while we all work together to improve public schools that teach, engage, and drive our children to be better. We must also foster businesses by providing them opportunities to grow and improve the workforce for generations to come.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
Serving as the commander of the B-2 Stealth Bomber Program brought me to the frontlines of dealing with complex issues deriving from budgetary restraints, flight complications, and administrative burdens. Such issues all required a keen eye and the definitive trait of attention to detail. I brought the skills from my twenty years of honorable military to the private sector where I was a successful captain for FedEx for another twenty years. I have the leadership and institutional knowledge to solve problems that will best serve the state.
I also understand what it takes to start and operate a small business. I founded a biotechnology firm in Nevada to spearhead medical technology. With my leadership, I was successful in assembling a team and partnering with organizations such as the Cleveland Clinic to further examine how our product could best save lives.
I wish to be in the battle to save our state and our country to ensure that my and your children have a shot a chasing the American Dream. I have served this country once in uniform once and I am ready to do so again at Nevada’s next Lieutenant Governor.
In summary, I am a patriot, I am a businessman, and I am a man with family values, and I am a Nevadan. Let’s get to work and find long-lasting solutions to our state’s issues.

John Miller
Occupation: Former CEO, Banker, Investor, Entrepreneur
Age: 43

Bishop Gorman High School (‘97). The University of Notre Dame (‘00) - B.A. in Economics and Philosophy.

John Miller

 Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.
Lieutenant Governor’s Top Job is Economic Development. To attract the right businesses to our state and create an educated workforce to fill those jobs. The Lieutenant Governor also presides over the State Senate and sits on a number of influential boards, but economic development should always be the top priority.

A brief statement about your platform
No elected official wakes up every day focused on bringing the right businesses and right jobs to Nevada. Nobody! Last legislative session, politicians passed 557 new laws. Not one created a new private-sector job. Our government makes it harder to operate a business and create new jobs. I am running to change that and bring new businesses and good-paying jobs to Nevada.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
I have played a key role in creating, building, and salvaging more than a half-dozen banks across the country. As the founder and former CEO of Nevada’s newest bank, I have real-world experience waking up every day recruiting the right businesses and right jobs to Nevada and helping businesses in Nevada grow.

Peter Pavone
Occupation: Business Broker/ Producer/ headliner
Age: 67

Peter Pavone

Record of service:
Spent the better part of the last 50 years in hospitality tourism transportation entertainment 35 of which as CEO. Served on many boards including nonprofit.

San Diego Mesa College business major music minor

Briefly describe the core duties of the position you are running for.
President of the senate, chairman of the tourism committee, member of the audit, transportation committees and supervise 

homeland security in times of tragedy.

What makes you the most qualified candidate for this position?
We have to put Nevada back to work, diversify the economy to attract good jobs doctors lawyers teachers etc. strengthen the border strengthen the voter ID, absentee ballot fraud issues, increased global presence of Las Vegas and the rest of Nevada, preserve our natural resources and our livestock, Make Nevada’s small businesses healthy again, support Arttours attractions.


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