SILVER DOLLARS AND WOODEN NICKELS: Carson City deputy Trotter leader of the pack

Silver Dollars and Wooden Nickels is a weekly feature in the Appeal’s Sunday Opinion pages in which the Appeal gives Silver Dollars to those who deserve recognition and occasionally a Wooden Nickel to those who deserve criticism.

SILVER DOLLAR: Congratulations to Carson City Sheriff’s Deputy Joey Trotter for winning the Harley Overall division at the Carson City Extreme Motor Officer Training Challenge.

SILVER DOLLAR: To the Retired Senior Volunteer Program for again holding the Independence Day Carnival and the Fireworks on July 4 and to all the sponsors and volunteers who make it possible.

SILVER DOLLAR: To the Casino Fandango for its expansion plans, including a convention center.

SILVER DOLLAR: To all the organizers of and participants in the Rockabilly Riot Car Show.

SILVER DOLLAR: To the Foundation for Carson City Parks and Recreation for provided water fountain for dogs at Sonoma Park, which has become a popular dog park for the community.

SILVER DOLLAR: To the Northern Nevada Development Authority for its role in developing a $47 million distribution facility for Polaris in Fernley and the Heybourne Airport Centre site in Douglas County.


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