Lehman’s terms in rodeo

Douglas-Carson high school seniors, parents and supporters are recognized March 26 during an intermission at the fairgrounds. The seniors (on horseback) are: Maguire Lessard, Grace Rawlins, Breanna Roberts, Lindy Lehman, Delaney Jo Ward and Blaine Pinochi.

Douglas-Carson high school seniors, parents and supporters are recognized March 26 during an intermission at the fairgrounds. The seniors (on horseback) are: Maguire Lessard, Grace Rawlins, Breanna Roberts, Lindy Lehman, Delaney Jo Ward and Blaine Pinochi.

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Brynn Lehman competes in the high school breakaway roping event Saturday at the Douglas County Fairgrounds. The two-day rodeo event continues today starting at 8 a.m.