Letters to the editor for Tuesday, Aug. 11, 2015

What’s the cost of enforcing Megan’s Law

Reported to us, the Sheriff’s Office is diligent in enforcing Megan’s Law. They even sacked a violator or two, but let’s ask the inconvenient questions, anyway. What are these people doing, really, and what is the cost?

If you want a price tag, you’ll have to work at it. While the numbers have to be out there, no one has filed a comprehensive report on what it costs to enforce this across the country. If you Google it, though, you will find two studies on the subject. One private for the state of New Jersey, funded by a federal grant. The other conducted by the state of Washington. Both concluded the same.

There is no evidence this law prevents sex offenses or reduces the rate of recidivism. So next time you read this sort of thing anywhere or hear it on the news, know this. These people are spending your money so they can have a job, trying to dupe you into believing you are less safe without them.

Kelly Jones

Carson City


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