The Douglas County Sheriff's Mounted Posse brings in the colors for the Quilts of Valor presentation at the Douglas County Fairgrounds on Sunday.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.
Genoa, Nev. — Three people were unhoused in a fire reported around 10 a.m. on Topaz Ranch Drive in Topaz Ranch Estates. When firefighters arrived there was heavy smoke coming from the home. The American Red Cross was called in to aid the residents.
It was a busy Sunday for firefighters who responded to a report of a fire in the Gardnerville Jack in the Box around 1:10 p.m. Everyone evacuated. The restaurant was closed when I went by around 4 p.m.
The Douglas County Sheriff’s Mounted Posse and the Comstock Lode Quilters distributed 15 quilts to veterans, including myself, at the Douglas County Fairgrounds on Sunday afternoon.
We are just over a month out from Carson Valley Days, and the Lions are selling buttons featuring Gwen Scossa’s artwork all over the place, including Raley's, Ace Hardware, both 7-Elevens, Coffee on Main, JT Basque Bar & Dining Room, Nevada State and Heritage banks, according to Ron Santi.
The NVEnergy gauge in Genoa recorded .62 inches of rain over the weekend. My gauge about a mile north of there is reading .53 inches, so not a bad bit of rain.
The weekend’s storm brought enough precipitation to make a checkmark on the Natural Resources Conservation Service snow telemetry showed a 11 inches of snow at Carson Pass over the weekend and Ebbetts Pass recorded 15 inches.
The temperatures at Ebbetts only spent 2-3 hours barely above freezing on Sunday, which means the runoff slowed significantly on both the East and West Forks of the Carson River.
The week’s weather will start out breezy and cool with 10-15 mph west winds gusting to 25 mph and a high of 64 degrees under sunny skies today. However, it looks like conditions may warm up to nearly 80 degrees by next weekend.
Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Contact him at or 775-782-5122.