Justice of peace candidates narrowed to five

Four attorneys and a judicial assistant made the final cut for consideration as East Fork Justice of the Peace.

From a pool of 36, five names have been forwarded to Douglas County commissioners, who are expected to appoint the new judge at their Nov. 4 meeting.

The final candidates are attorneys Ron Cauley, Erik Levin, Tom Perkins and Jennifer Yturbide, and judicial assistant Ursula McManus.

The East Fork Justice Court Selection Committee concluded interviews Wednesday and sent the names on Thursday to County Manager T. Michael Brown.

The five candidates are set for public interviews at the Nov. 4 commissioners' meeting, with a decision expected to be announced.

District Judge Dave Gamble facilitated the selection committee which included former Douglas County Clerk-Treasurer Barbara Griffin, Carson District Judge Todd Russell, attorney Kara Hayes, Carson City Sheriff's Chief Deputy Ray Saylo and Bill Henderson, Carson Valley Inn director of sales.

"After completing an in-depth review of all of the applications, the committee interviewed eight applicants and have selected five for referral by you to the Board of County Commissioners," Gamble said in a letter to Brown.

Commissioners asked the committee not to prioritize the candidates, one of whom will serve the remainder of the unexpired term of Judge Jim EnEarl who resigned Aug. 6.

"The members of the committee have worked very hard on this project and deserve the thanks of the Board of County Commissioners and the citizens of Douglas County for their labors," Gamble said.

On Oct. 7, commissioners set the salary for the incoming judge between $88,254-$118,580.

Senior Justice Steven McMorris is filling the vacancy until the new judge is named.

The successful candidate faces election after EnEarl's six-year term expires in December 2012.

The job, with minimal requirements, originally attracted three dozen letters of interest when the search began in August. Twenty-one people submitted applications.

State law requires that the judge be at least 18 with a high school diploma or equivalent, eligible to vote, and a resident of East Fork Township for at least 30 days.

Based on population, East Fork Township doesn't require a lawyer to be justice of the peace.

Past justices, including EnEarl and his predecessor Doug Struthers, have had law enforcement backgrounds.

In addition, he or she may never have been removed or retired from office for judicial misconduct.


Ron Cauley, 56, Gardnerville, attorney;

Erik Levin, 51, Minden, Douglas County deputy district attorney;

Ursula McManus, 60, Gardnerville, district court judicial assistant;

Thomas Perkins, 59, Minden, attorney;

Jennifer Yturbide, 50, Minden attorney.


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