Time for election letters

Filing hasn't been over but two weeks and we're getting our first local election letters.

With the ability to post relatively anonymous opinions to the Internet, you would think that people would tire of going through the process of sending a letter.

But the letter to the editor, which carries the name of the correspondent and where they're from, still carries a certain weight around here.

The Record-Courier welcomes letters about candidates.

We would prefer they were all from supporters talking up their candidates, but there are always folks who want to talk about the other guy.

For local candidates, we try to verify specific accusations when they are made. If someone wants to make an allegation of criminal wrongdoing against a local candidate, we would suggest they go to the sheriff's office first.

Candidates may write one letter per campaign, we suggest they save it to address any issues we might have missed.

As far as national races go, John Milton will be editing those letters. And by that we mean, "Let her and falsehood grapple; who ever knew truth put to the worse in a free and open encounter?"

We won't run falsehoods that we're aware of, but we're also not going to spend much time searching the Internet for a confirmation or denial of the latest rumor about someone's parentage.

It's going to be a rough couple of months up to Nevada's first local June primary election. We wish all the candidates the best.


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