No more new issue letters after Wednesday

Early voting for Nevada's first June primary seems to be going well. We're getting letters supporting all kinds of candidates, and a few that are not so supportive.

Wednesday will be the last day we'll be publishing letters with new issues for this campaign. We would prefer all letter writers focused on the attributes of the candidates they support, but we know that doesn't always happen.

We define new issues as those that have not been reported in the newspaper or brought up in a previous letter. We're not worried about new issues like how great someone is. The concern is that someone won't be able to respond to an attack in time for Election Day.

Because of the short week, next week, we'll be taking letters through 5 p.m. Wednesday for Friday publication to make sure everyone who wants to participate gets a chance.

We encourage everyone to participate in the election. Nevada is still a small state, and it's easier than ever for a Douglas County resident to find out who is running.

There are still plenty of opportunities to meet the candidates and find out for yourself what they stand for.

Our thanks go out to all the candidates in advance for their contribution.

Their willingness to put themselves out there is what drives our system of government.


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