Good job, neighbors


We have a small, family run, machine shop in the industrial park, Douglas Auto Machine Service. Last Wednesday night late we got a call from Douglas County Sheriffs Office. Someone had broken in and could we come down to the shop? A neighbor in the housing development behind the shop had called in seeing a flashlight in the back yard.

I just wanted to thank you for making the call. Thank you for taking the time, and thank you for getting involved. It was the first time I didn't miss the cows and garlic that had been in that space in years past.

You renewed my faith in human nature. I also want to thank Douglas County Sheriff's Office for arriving in time to catch him in the act. Times are hard, who knows how it would have been if he got away clean. I know it would have been a hardship. Thanks for taking good care of us over the years.

Keep up the good work.       

Robin Borowick



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