Clerk works Legislature


While campaigning to retain the position of clerk-treasurer in Douglas County, it has been stated that I have chosen not to participate at the Legislature? This is incorrect. While Douglas County already employs one lobbyist, both I and my staff communicated with the Legislature during the last session on a daily or weekly basis as was needed and or requested. This included attending workshops and hearings, along with reviewing all legislative bills for items that affected my offices and/or the citizens of our county. Additionally, we send statistics to the County Fiscal Officers Association of Nevada so they can represent us at the Legislature. The seats on the 2009 CFOA legislative committee were held by Alan Glover and Al Kramer of Carson City, Kathy Burke of Washoe County and Claudette Springmeyer here in Douglas County. It was this committee that retired Clerk-Treasurer Barbara Griffin sat on for many years in representing all counties in the state, as well as ours.

On the subject of the legislature, my opponent Mr. Hettrick mentions he would like to take better advantage of existing laws to improve cash flow. To allow this, he sponsored AB393 allowing the sale of tax liens on delinquent properties adding an additional 10 to 20 percent interest, plus costs onto the backs of already troubled taxpayers. This bill was strongly opposed by Barbara Griffin and all the other Treasurer's in Nevada in 2005 and they worked hard to get the word 'may' instead of 'shall' into the bill. As your elected Clerk-Treasurer, I will never implement such a flawed piece of legislation.

Finally, on the subject of technology, I am very proud to have been a part of the Clerk-Treasurers office that has set the technology bar in Nevada for the last 11 years. In continuing this high standard, we have just introduced another first - a "My Voter" enhancement for absentee voters in Douglas County so they can look up online when their ballots were mailed out and when the ballot is received them back. We will continue to use the best technology possible to hold down cost where ever possible and to assist the public. Another example will be adding text message reminders for property tax due dates in August. I work hard every day to improve your five Clerk-Treasurer offices and will always maintain an open door policy. In asking for your support, it is my promise to continue to do what is right for the citizens of this county.

Ted Thran

Douglas County Clerk-Treasurer


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