Motocross a great sport


I read the article on Jan. 8 about the local motocross facility and it infuriated me so much I had to respond. I'm of the impression that the person who wrote this article has nothing better to do with their time than complain about every little thing that they don't happen to like.

I moved to Nevada precisely to enjoy all that Nevada has to offer. More importantly I moved here so that my kids could become more involved in outdoor activities, motocross racing being one of them. I know from personal involvement with this sport that 99 percent of the youths involved in motocross are so into it that they keep their grades up in school, keep in great physical shape and are less likely to get into trouble, just so they can ride. It is also a fantastic family sport. There are becoming fewer and fewer activities today that allow for family participation which preserves and strengthens the family bond more than motocross.

The comment by the Jan. 8 author about losing, "the opportunity to enjoy the fragrance of sage and the antics of rabbits and quail" at the track location is ludicrous.

The only fragrance's arising from this location is from the county transfer station on the east side, the animal shelter on the west side, the model airplane field on the north, and the roar of vehicles driving by on their way to the transfer station on south side. In addition, the sounds and smells arising from activities that take place at the fairgrounds and gun range are far greater than from the motocross facility. I live in the neighboring community of Ruhenstroth and I can tell you for a fact that you cannot see, hear, nor smell the motorcycles on the track from my residence. This is an ideal location for a motocross track and use of this county-owned property.

At a time when everyone is suffering financially, any help however large or small to our community should be applauded not tarnished. I partially own a local business and I can tell you as a business owner I greatly appreciated the additional income we received from the flurry of activity on and off this motocross track when it was operating. The financial impact was felt across a broad range of business, locally and from afar. People came from California and all over Northern Nevada to utilize this track. I applaud everyone who has taken the time and made the effort to support the establishment of this track, and to make it available to our children and families on a more permanent basis.

The future benefits of such actions by our elected officials and community will not only provide needed financial help to our local businesses, but will provide a much needed avenue for our Nevada families to get outside and recreate in this beautiful state we live in. This quality time together will strengthen family values, provide much needed outdoor physical activity for our children and produce a much stronger community with which we live in.

Hal Irvine



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