Falling into place

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by Sharlene Irete


Brian Deaton first saw Christie Wallis while she was at work at Eldorado Savings Bank.

"I wasn't openly flirting with her, but I always made a point to go to her line when I went to the bank," Brian said.

"He would linger and would talk with me for 10 or 15 minutes when I wasn't busy, so I knew he had a crush on me," said Christie.

Brian didn't think it was appropriate to ask Christie out for a date while she was at work, but the two got a chance to meet later when Christie showed up at Brian's 20-30 Club meeting. Christie's daughter Caitlyn was chosen to be a recipient of the Carson Valley Active 20-30 Club's community service efforts.

Sonja Helfenstein of Carson Valley Learning Center had asked the 20-30 Club's help funding the education of children with learning disabilities.

"Sonja brought Caitlyn and her mother to meet the 20-30 Club and when I saw Christie, there was a spark of recognition," said Brian. "I thought it was pretty neat that we're helping her daughter out."

Because of the 20-30 Club's donation, Caitlyn was able to get some needed help through the Carson Valley Learning Center.

"She was below grade level in all subjects, but made six years' improvement in reading in just three months," said Christie. "Caitlyn does an hour of work with a computer program at home every day and meets with Sonja once a week."

"The 20-30 Club helped break the ice between us," said Brian. "I gave her my phone number and we started chatting on FaceBook - everything blossomed from there. Every time I think about how everything feel into place, I love it."

Christie said she feels she's found her soul mate in Brian.

"He's outdoorsy and I'm an indoors girl, but in our core values, we're so much alike. It's been so easy," she said. "I've only known one other couple who were soul mates and that was my grandparents. It's nice that I can find that for myself."

She said they will exchange valentine cards and go out to dinner on Valentine's Day.

"We both agree that you don't need a special day to say you love someone - you can do it every day," she said.


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