The R-C Morning Report

County Manager T. Michael Brown received a 3 percent merit increase, according to the county's Web site. Brown has been county manager since September 2008. His contract does not expire until Sept. 30, 2012. He donated his last raise back to the grant program. We'll have to check if he plans something like that this time.

Today is the last weekday of freedom for the county's middle and high school students, who go back to class on Monday. How does this affect the rest of us? Check the bus schedules in last Sunday's newspaper for when they'll be by your house and plan your commute accordingly. Western Nevada College students aren't going back until Aug. 30.

A fire weather watch starts Saturday with increased winds 20-25 mph with gusts of up to 35 mph likely. The wind will dry everything out, bringing humidity down to 10 percent in the Western Nevada valleys. Temperatures will continue to be cool through the weekend with highs dropping into the low 80s on Sunday. Expect it to warm up some next week.


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