Testing ups the ante on accountablity

Last week, the Douglas County School Board approved going forward with random drug testing for students involved in extracurricular activities.

Once in place, a handful of the 900 students who participate in activities ranging from athletics to band to speech and debate will be subject to a drug test.

While some of the details are still being worked out, the plan is to have Ohio-based Sport Safe Testing Service to adminster the tests for a variety of drugs.

Members of the Block D Club, who would also have to participate in the program, are raising money to help pay the $27-$30 a test.

It's important to note that the tests will also detect alcohol, the drug of choice for many teenagers.

Over the past year, there has been at least one major incident involving alcohol or drugs and Douglas High School athletes, even though students participating in extracurricular activities must sign a conduct contract that they will be on their best behavior.

We ask a lot of our athletes, but as ambassadors of the high school, and out entire community, they have a responsibility as role models.

Having random drug testing will help keep them on the path set by their promise.


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