Don't trust Democrats


Remember, when Democrats cry "hypocrite" (as they always do) about the Ensign and Sanford affairs, that Ted Kennedy stands unrepentant and unpunished astride their party leadership.

Every Democratic politician has made the decision that accommodating manslaughter by an alcoholic in service to his own philandering is an acceptable condition of party membership.

Rush Limbaugh made a good point. Republicans are the "party of hypocrites" because we are imperfect people who don't always live up to our own high standards.

We should remind the public that Democrats insulate themselves from hypocrisy by proudly rejecting any personal standards.

But that means they can't be trusted, that their judges won't follow the law, that Democratic politicians have given themselves a pass on honesty.

This is not a defense of Ensign or Sanford, but every time one of our own falls short, we almost always force them out of office and never get any political credit.

Every time a Democrat falls short, his supporters practically flaunt it, defend it to the hilt, keep the jerk in office, and never pay a political price.

Maybe some day, in a sane world, manslaughter, embezzlement, sex with underage interns, perjury, and obstruction of justice will trump hypocrisy.

Lynn Muzzy



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