They're Mono's top spellers

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This is the third year in a row that Antelope Elementary School has won the Mono County Spelling Bee in the 4th through 6th grade competition. This year they took first through third places in that category. The winners were - sixth-grader Amanda Clark (first), fifth-grader Hannah Cain (second) and fifth-grader Jacob Park (third). Amanda and Hannah will go to the California State Bee in May. Taylor Buquoi finished second in the county for the seventh- through ninth-grade competition and will also go to the state championship. Congratulations to all who participated, including their coaches, Sandra O'Hara and Janine Hamilton.

It's not necessary

In the last few weeks, local senior citizens have been receiving a mailing from "Senior Advisory Center," with an unusual address in Sacramento. This form tells them that they might be eligible for a rebate from the California Franchise Tax Board based on the property taxes they paid. This group is not a government agency, but offers to help with your filing for an up-front fee of $36. I spoke with the Franchise Tax Board the other day and was told that the form is so simple that there is no need to pay someone to do it for you. They are going to send me a dozen forms to have on hand if anyone wants to file for the possible rebate, which could be as much as $472.60. I, personally, wouldn't pay that group the fee if it is something we can do for ourselves. If you would like a form, just let me know, and we'll get one to you.

St. Patrick's Day dinner

The annual Beta Sigma Phi corned beef and cabbage dinner was its usual success Saturday evening. The meal was delicious, the company great and the raffle prizes very good. I know a good time was had by all who attended, and it was really great I didn't have to cook dinner that night.

This and that

-- The Antelope Valley Fire Commission's monthly meeting is tonight at the Walker Fire Station, 6 p.m., and is open to the public.

-- The Antelope Valley Friends of the Library is having a work day at the Coleville Library this Saturday, starting at 10 a.m. Anyone who would like to volunteer their help will be welcomed.

-- I'm sure everyone has noticed that gas prices are again soaring. Is it just me, but doesn't it seem very coincidental that the drastic increases started at the beginning of daylight-saving time, as well as spring break at most schools? No matter what, I'm sure the prices aren't going to get any better for a while, so we should go back to helping our friends and neighbors. If you're going to town, check to see if somebody needs something that you can get for them. We can also share rides to town for our shopping trips.

-- In the Dec. 20 column, I mentioned former resident and 1999 Coleville High graduate, Andy Ringnes and his fiancee, Meredith. They had won the first-ever "Funfearlesscouple" contest put on by Cosmopolitan magazine, defeating 1,300 other couples. The April issue of Cosmopolitan is now on the newsstands, and there is a feature story about Andy and Meredith. It's well worth checking out.

-- Lynne Katusich can be reached at or (530) 495-2552.


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