Kids in time for Easter

Last Friday, my husband, Mike, and I, and our neighbor, Alice Campbell, went to visit the new arrivals at the Fall Over Goat Farm. It was so much fun to see the new kids and to get to hold them and watch them play. Having bred dogs for many years, I am not used to the brand new babies being up and around within a day of birth, and watching them just amazes me. They run, jump, buck, butt heads with each other and generally have a ball. All of a sudden, though, they'll decide it's time for a rest and lie down for a five-minute break. We got a bunch of wonderful pictures as well as the actual fun of being in the pens with them and their mothers. What sweet and enjoyable animals these goats are. We got to feed the adults grapes, which they really like and are a treat for them. Pam Weeks, their owner, is so gracious about letting people visit with them. While we were there, two very nice ladies stopped their car and came to the fence to see the kids up close. We ended up with one of them holding a kid and loving every minute of it. If you are interested in these charming guys, you can call Pam at (530) 495-2783 with your questions.

Pancake Breakfast and Bazaar

The Antelope Elementary Parent Teacher Organization is again holding their Pancake Breakfast and Bazaar from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. April 28 at the Antelope Elementary School gym. There will be raffles, themed baskets made by the school's classes through sixth grade, booths of crafts, as well as those of local businesses. In addition, the Antelope Valley Friends of the Library will have a booth, selling some great books at extremely low prices. Booth space is still available at a cost of $15 each, plus a donation of an item worth $15 for their raffle.

Pasture golf

Don't forget this Saturday at 8 a.m. is the starting time for the Antelope Valley Lions Club golf tournament at Baldo Giorgi's "country club" on Topaz Lane. Just follow the signs to a lot of fun. If you aren't playing, join us for the big and delicious barbecue lunch for only $12.

Easter egg hunt

The start time of the Lions Club Easter Egg Hunt is 1 p.m. Be sure to get there early enough to have your children registered and ready to go at the start. It will be at the Walker Community Park, with hunts divided by age groups.


The Regional Planning Advisory Committee will meet 7 p.m. at the Walker Community Center tomorrow night. Everyone is welcome to attend.

This and that

-- Saturday, May 5, from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., there will be an open house at the Walker Thrift Store on Mule Deer Road, with light refreshments being served. Come by, meet the staff and check out the great buys in the store. The store is also looking for people interested in volunteering a few hours a week to give them a hand. If you're interested, call Mary Jo or Doris at (530) 495-1200.

-- May 18, 19 and 20 will be busy days in our area. On Friday, May 18, there will be a Carbo-Load Spaghetti Dinner at the Walker Community Center to help stoke up the hardy souls entered in the next day's Mountain Warfare Challenge Race. It will also be a good dinner for the rest of us to enjoy. The race will begin at 11 a.m. Saturday at Pickel Meadows. Also that weekend is the fifth annual Walker Spring Fling craft show and flea market. That enjoyable time will be both Saturday and Sunday in downtown Walker. Plan ahead for that busy spell.

-- An important reminder for dog owners - It is time to be sure that your dog receives either its first snakebite vaccine shot or its annual booster, if it received a vaccination last year. This is a really important and effective way to protect our pets in this area during a warm and dry summer when snakes are out.

-- Lynne Katusich can be reached at or (530) 495-2552.


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