Douglas dive team to perform

The Carson Valley Swim Center is having an open house on Saturday, and the Douglas High School Dive Team is scheduled to perform a demonstration at 12:30 p.m.

There will be free admission, and other demonstrations, such as the Douglas Dolfin Swim Team.

The sports team is looking forward to showing off their talents.

"It was great to see the progress the team had made," said Carson Valley Swim Center Director Kirk Chiapella. "They did great."

Last spring, the team held the attention of those in the therapy pool, while people of all ages watched by the pools edge.

"It was the most amazing performance from the team I have ever seen," said Carson Valley Swim Center Aquatics Specialist Charlie Bowman. "It was a grand expedition of skill.

"The crowd oohed and awed, and there were a couple of good bloopers as well."

The team hopes to perform just as well at the open house.

"I hope people will appreciate our sport a little more after watching us," said Ryan Fore, Douglas High School Male Diver of the year last season.


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