Food Closet directors host volunteer dinner

The Carson Valley Food Closet Board of Directors prepared and served a barbecue dinner to a 115 volunteers and guests April 26 at the St. Gall Pastoral Center.

A patriotic theme set the stage for the tasty barbecue dinner prepared by Gil Goode and the board members. Leonard Frueh led the group in singing "God Bless America" before dinner was served. The dinner was prepared in appreciation for the volunteers' hard work and commitment to the Food Closet's success. All volunteers were recognized for their individual years of service by the board. Also honored were the Closet Crafters for their handcraft contributions and fundraising.

What does a Food Closet volunteer do? The answer is "whatever it takes." Some volunteers have a regular routine job such as picking up dated food items, stocking shelves, or bagging groceries for the community recipients to pick up. And there is always administrative computer work in the office.

The Food Closet is open Monday through Wednesday and also Friday from 1-4 p.m. A volunteer works a three-hour day. Some work weekly and some work every other week. Scheduling is flexible, trading days with others to accommodate volunteer needs, but the job always gets done.

The volunteer team consists of 70 individuals who contribute their time and energy to collect and distribute food to those in need in the community. Board members are also volunteers. The volunteer team includes: Paul Arbour, Jerry Artellan, Fred Asman, Angie Baker, Gloria Batters, Cosmo and Ruth Berkley, Aldo Biaggi, Rick and Eileen Boettiger, Darrel Dion, Don Dixon, Leonard Frueh, David Goetsch, Gil and Karen Goode, Frank and Paul Gordon, Pat Gray, Ray and Lucia Gray, Leonard Hannemann, Bill Hart, Fran Hetherton, Stan Hoffman, Dave and Nancy Hollenbach, Don and Jeanette Johnson, Ben Johnson, Leslie Kannisto, Stephanie King, Donna Kurtz, Brianna Kurtz, Stewart Liddell, Carl and Marilyn Malkmus, Diane Malone, Joyce McCormach, Sheena McNeilly, Betty Miller, Leonard and Marabel Moorhead, Dan and Sandie Morris, Gail Nault, Mike and Diane Noble, Jerry Northway, Doug Petersen, Joe and Alice Price, Jerry Rasmussen, Gail Richardson, Cynthia Sawyer, Sarah Schunk, Loralee Silk, Mike Smith, Joanne Spahr, Don Stockman, Karen Swasey, Bob and Kathy Taormina, Marolyn Vadnais, Charles Vaughan, Gary Weidner, Steve and Judy Weish, Mike and Sally Wiley, and Donna Witham.

Time spent at the Food Closet is rewarding and the afternoon goes by quickly. It's a congenial group and the community benefits from their efforts. If you're looking for a way to spend some meaningful time contact Eileen Boettiger, Director at 782-3711.


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