Art gallery welcomes nationally-known artists

The Davis Gallery of Fine Art in Genoa is expanding its art offerings with the recent addition of two nationally-known figurative and urban landscape artists.

Randall Sexton, whose studio is in Crockett, Calif., works in vibrant colors as he depicts both urban and natural landscapes. He primarily works in the open air, but also has examples of still life studies on display at the gallery.

"We are extremely excited about acquiring an artist of Randall's reputation at our Genoa gallery," said gallery owner Gale Davis. "His works are a nice contrast to the plein air pieces we have been featuring since we opened in late 2004."

Nancy MacDonald, a Sunnyvale-based artist, works in both pastel and oil, depicting figurative studies and countryside scenes.

She is originally from London, England, and has been in the Bay Area since 1966.

"Nancy recently won the Gold Medal of Excellence in the Pastel Journal competition," said Davis, "with her colorful renditions of the human form."

The Davis Gallery is open Thursday through Sunday from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m.. The gallery is located at 2285 Main St., Genoa, next door to Genoa Town Hall.

For more information on upcoming exhibitions, call 782-0568 or visit the Gallery Web site at


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