School board trustee resigns in protest

Trustee Tony Magnotta resigned his seat on the Douglas County School Board

Trustee Tony Magnotta resigned his seat on the Douglas County School Board

After three years on the Douglas County School Board, Trustee Tony Magnotta submitted a letter of resignation on Dec. 6 which will be read at Tuesday’s school board meeting.

“It is with a heavy heart that I submit my letter of resignation as a Douglas County School Board Trustee effective immediately,” reads the letter on the Douglas County School Board agenda. “Since January 2023 and the installation of the new School Board, I feel my voice, my vote and my opinion have not been seriously considered when discussing matters regarding our district. In fact, opinions and comments from our residents, teachers, faculty and most importantly, our parents have not been respected on any major decision made in the past 10 months.”

Magnotta was elected to school board in 2020 on a platform of putting students and the schools first and providing a positive learning experience.

“I ran for the School Board to serve my community,” he said. “As a ‘transplant’ from Minnesota and retired Business owner, I wanted to make a difference in my new home. I saw, with my own sons, how a great education can positively impact a young person’s life and their future potential as an adult. I want to ensure that opportunity exists for the students of Douglas County.”

Since January, the school board has taken action on matters that have caused concern publicly, including negative attention for the NIAA, replacing the district’s legal counsel, current legal counsel’s bills, reinstating bylaws to their original wording, and the loss of two key administrators. 

“I feel we have wasted valuable time and resources this past year on agenda items that will adversely impact our district in the near future,” said Magnotta. “I would like to thank Douglas County voters for giving me the opportunity to serve them these past 36 months. I regret the need to step down before my term is completed, but I cannot, in good conscience, continue to serve on this board while opposing many of these agendas.”

During Tuesday’s school board meeting, President Susan Jansen will read Magnotta’s letter to the rest of the board and public and his resignation will be effective immediately. The board will then discuss and move forward with filling the vacancy at the next Regular Board meeting in January 2024.


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