Douglas County legal - 33033

On 4/20/2023, the Douglas County Board of

Commissioners INTRODUCED the following


ORDINANCE: 2023-1616

TITLE: Ordinance 2023-1616, an ordinance

removing Chapter 2.52 (Cave Rock Water

Advisory Board) and Chapter 2.54 (Skyland

Water Advisory Board) from Title 2 of the

Douglas County Code (Administration and


SUMMARY: Ordinance 2023-1616, an

ordinance removing Chapter 2.52 (Cave

Rock Water Advisory Board) and Chapter

2.54 (Skyland Water Advisory Board)

from Title 2 of the Douglas County Code

(Administration and Personnel).

The 2nd Reading of this Ordinance will be

held on 5/18/2023. A copy of this ordinance is

on file in the Clerk’s Office for public review.

Pub Date: April 26, 2023 Ad # 33033


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