Douglas County legal - 32634

On 4/6/2023, the Douglas County Board

of Commissioners ADOPTED the following


ORDINANCE: 2023-1613

TITLE: Ordinance 2023-1613, an ordinance

amending Douglas County Code Title 20 –

Consolidated Development Code, Chapter

20.220 and Chapter 20.820 for the purpose of

clarifying that, in accordance with State law,

professional engineers (1) may electronically

seal and digitally sign submitted documents

and (2) are not required to stamp an estimate

for the cost of a project.

The ordinance shall be in full force and effect

on April 20, 2023 and was adopted by the

following vote: AYE: Mark Gardner, Wes

Rice, Sharla Hales, Walt Nowosad, Danny


/s/ Mark Gardner

Mark Gardner, Chairman

Douglas County Board of Commissioners


/s/ Amy Burgans


A copy of this ordinance is on file in the

Clerk’s Office for public review.

Pub Date: April 12, 19, 2023 Ad # 32634


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