An honor guard of Vietnam veterans marches at Eastside Memorial Park on Monday in observance of Memorial Day.
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.
Genoa, Nev. — Scores of people gathered at Eastside Memorial Park in Minden on Monday to observe Memorial Day. The Reach For Joy barbecue for veterans at High Sierra Fellowship drew a big crowd from what I could see.
While some folks were remembering the reason for Memorial Day on Monday, up at the Lake a mob of 50-100 people were engaged at a mosh pit at Zephyr Cove Beach around 5 p.m. There were a couple of arrests I heard on the scanner.
I should get more on the two crashes from Friday and perhaps also the airplane crash on Saturday today. I’ll follow up today. There were also at least a couple of instances where people off-roading in the Pine Nuts were injured. On Friday the ambulance helicopter came out twice just for those.
Gardnerville Town Board members are meeting in person in the town hall for the first time in a year. Up for discussion at the 4:30 p.m. meeting are the annexation of 29 acres and an agreement between High Sierra Fellowship and the town for use of Heritage Park and the church’s parking lot.
The Douglas County School Board approved their final budget preparing for a $1.4 million shortfall on Friday. There won’t be any layoffs though, as 38 staffers are retiring this spring. The Legislature adjourned on Monday night, so what the real final budget looks like is still up in the air.
The record high temperature for Minden for June 1 is 96 degrees in 2007, 98 degrees for June 2 in 1924 and 96 degrees for June 3, also in 1924. The forecast high today is for 93 degrees and 95 degrees for Wednesday and Thursday under sunny skies.
Kurt Hildebrand is editor of The Record-Courier. Reach him at