Women’s firearms group cleans up range

Girls with a Gun at the Douglas County Shooting Range. Seated DD Woodruff and Shelley Bowers Standing: Julie Ardizzone, Suze Ericson, Kathy Anderson, Ledene Johnson, Cat Fox, Bonnie McPeck, Marie-Laure Ilian, Tammy Uva and Judy Brooke. Kneeling Amber Carrillo

Girls with a Gun at the Douglas County Shooting Range. Seated DD Woodruff and Shelley Bowers Standing: Julie Ardizzone, Suze Ericson, Kathy Anderson, Ledene Johnson, Cat Fox, Bonnie McPeck, Marie-Laure Ilian, Tammy Uva and Judy Brooke. Kneeling Amber Carrillo
Photo by Kurt Hildebrand.

A Girl with a Gun came to the Douglas County Shooting Range to clean up last week.

According to the national web site, www.agirlandagun.org, the Douglas chapter is the only one in Northern Nevada.

In three hours, the more than a dozen members of the Carson Valley chapter collected 1,900 pounds of trash, including shotgun shells, bullet casings, clay pigeon pieces, cardboard ammo boxes, plastic bottles, aluminum cans, a wooden pallet, and other assorted trash.

Amber Carrillo of Integritas Firearms Education facilitates the group.

“We probably have 44 members who come to various events,” she said of the group. “All ladies of all ages are welcome. We have a couple of teens in our group, as well. It is free to come to the event and $50 to join the national chapter.”

Group publicist Judy Brooke recognized Carillo for her efforts on behalf of the group.

“A big thank you to Douglas County for providing all the tools and trash bags needed for clean up and some nice cold waters for our breaks,” Brooke said.

For more about the national organization, visit www.agirlandagun.org.



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