Letters to the Editor for Saturday, July 7, 2018

Learn skills of communication with Toastmasters

The power of the spoken word cannot be overstated. It can affect decisions and move society in powerful ways. The spoken word can entertain and inspire. It can lift people for the greater good or incite them to behaviors they would not otherwise consider as individuals.

Some examples of figures in recent history who could be recognized for their mastery of the spoken word, for good or bad, include Jerry Seinfeld, Malala Yousafzai, or Nelson Mandela. Closer to home, we can recognize the power of the spoken word to accomplish the work that needs to be done at our business, to raise funds needed for an important cause, or to be able to shine in that interview for a new job.

Most people are afraid of anything that resembles public speaking. But if being able to stand up and speak in front of people is power, how do we harness that power in order to accomplish the things we need to do in life? I would suggest a group of people who come from the same background as you — the Toastmasters.

The Toastmasters program is not a formal course in public speaking. You’ll find no instructors or classrooms. In Toastmasters, members learn by studying the materials, practicing, and helping one another. Learning takes place in a relaxed environment where you practice communication and leadership skills with others who are there for the same reasons you are.

Carson City is fortunate to have four Toastmasters clubs, one of which is sure to fit your schedule. They are:

• Capitol Nevada meeting at 12:05 p.m. each Tuesday at the Black Bear Diner.

• Carson Communicators meeting at 6 p.m. each Thursday at the Black Bear Diner.

• Kit Carson Toastmasters meeting at 6:30 a.m. each Tuesday at the Black Bear Diner.

• Silver Tongue Toastmasters meeting at noon each 2nd, 4th and 5th Tuesday at NDOT HQ, 1263 Stewart St.

Remember, Excuses will always be there for you, Opportunity won’t. Make that decision to improve your communication and leadership skills to better utilize the talents you already have. You’ll find a group of like-minded folks ready to help you accomplish your goals.

Bill Brewer

Carson City


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