Talk of the Town:

How do you become a member?

Frank Taylor told me what to do

“The Kit Carson Club of Toastmasters”

Meets at “The Black Bear Diner” at 6:30 a.m.

On Tuesdays

Just show up and pay your dues

Being that I’m not shy or timid

No stranger have I yet to meet

I walked in as Frank Taylor’s guest

Prepared for a “Toastmasters” greet

The meeting was called to order

Of course, the Pledge of Allegiance was led

The joke master added some humor

And the word for the day, it was said

We became the audience for the speakers

With their evaluators standing by

Watching their body language and grammar

And the look in their eyes

Always constructive comments

Never meant to be mean

Of course, there’s no profanity

“Toastmasters” builds self-esteem

Communication is fundamental

Success is up to you

Surround yourself with positive and supportive learners

They will help you through

Practice, Practice, Practice

That’s what was always said

Find your voice while learning

Tell your story

Speak with confidence

The benefits of “Toastmasters”

Are endless as you can see

Developing communication and leadership skills

With personal and professional growth

Have for you, unlimited possibilities

Contact Frank Taylor for information

775-885-7579 Open to ages 18 and over

“Toastmasters Kit Carson Club” founded in 1957

Meetings are Tuesday mornings at 6:30 a.m., Black Bear Diner, 900 S. Carson St., Carson City, NV 89701

More information at


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