Past Pages for Friday, July 6, 2018

150 Years Ago

New Episcopal Church Building: The ladies of the Episcopal Church congregation will meet at 2 o’clock p.m. today at their new house of worship. A full attendance is desired.

140 Years Ago

Hank Monk: The season will be very busy and profitable to hotel-keepers and travel promoters. Doc. Benton and Hank Monk continue to haul the traveling public to and from the Lake in the highest style of the art.

120 Years Ago

The church feeds: The question of churches having big spreads on grand holidays came up at the last session of the Improvement Club. Restaurant men and hotel-keepers who had contributed liberally to the celebration said that churches giving big spreads on holidays took a great deal of business away. On the 4th one of the churches fed 500 people at cheap prices. People who pay license and subscribe for the celebration were left with a lot of provisions and no business.

100 Years Ago

Community singing: At 7:30 o’clock all are invited to assemble at the Capitol grounds. If you can sing, come and swell the chorus; if you can’t sing come and enjoy the others. Mrs. Leslie Brigham will lead. The first evening well-known, old-time patriotic songs will be sung.

70 Years Ago

Advertisement—Safeway: Tomatoes 2 lbs. for 19 cents; carrots 2 lbs. for 17 cents.

Potatoes 10 lbs. for 39 cents. Nob Hill Coffee, 1 lb. pkg. 46 cents, Kraft’s Mayonnaise, 60 ounces 51 cents.

20 Years Ago

Clowns: The art of spitting water, squeezing into tiny cars and taking pies in the face was the curriculum at the Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus Clown school. More than 1,000 aspiring clowns were taught the basics of the business over the last three decades.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote Past Pages for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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