The Popcorn Stand: Clothes don’t make the dog

I never miss an excuse to write about my two little guys, Pete the Shih Tzu and Tuf Tuf (you know, Sir Tuffington something or other) the Jack Russell in this Popcorn Stand, so I was pleased to hear Sunday is National Dress Up Your Pet Day.

Of course as I’ve written in this space before, there’s no way I’m going to dress up Pete and Tuf Tuf. Actually the right way to put that is there’s no way Pete and Tuf Tuf are going to let me dress them up.

I do enjoy seeing others’ dogs when they’re dressed up. The little ones look so cute in their sweaters. And they are a lot like humans. Some of them seem to thoroughly enjoy being dressed up while others you can tell by the looks on their faces, not so much.

Pete has never been one to like to be dressed up while Tuf Tuf — well Tuf Tuf doesn’t stay still long enough for me to know one way or the other on how he feels about being dressed up. My guess is he really doesn’t care one way or the other.

And as you know I try to keep up with the latest trends and I was actually able to find a website that had the latest fashion trends for dogs, although it was for 2017. I wasn’t able to find a website for what the fashion trends for dogs will be in 2018.

Not surprisingly humans like to dress up dogs the way they dress up themselves. Robes and pajamas, hoodies and denim jackets and vests topped the list of most popular doggie fashions for 2017.

In the end, clothes don’t make the dog — they just make them cuter.

— Charles Whisnand


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