Letters to the editor for Friday, Sept. 16, 2016

Chris Carver as mayor is good for Carson City

Thank you, Mallory Wilson (daughter of Andie Wilson, Brad Bonkowski’s significant other). You have just told the readers why Chris Carver is qualified for Mayor.

In your attempts to defame him for telling people you are not qualified for the important seat on the Board of Equalization, you left out one important detail. You forgot to say at the time of this unanimous vote to be on the Board, you had no qualifications other than you were working at Papa Murphy’s at the time. Nepotism, not qualified, voters, you decide.

Good Job, Lori Bagwell, for making it clear how our incumbents in office operate. Because of the uproar over this appointment (in part due to Mr. Carver’s opinion), the Board established an application process that prevents the unqualified from being nominated.

Carver for Mayor hands down.

Stan Heinrichs

Carson City


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