Past Pages for Saturday, Nov. 19, 2016

150 Years Ago

Proclamation: Governor Blasdel has issued a proclamation setting apart Thursday, the 29th of the month, as a day of Thanksgiving and Praise to Almighty God.

130 Years Ago

All sorts: The Terpsichorean ball is tonight.

The coming Winter promises to become a gay one in Carson.

It was rumored about the streets that a young man named Quill had drawn $20,000 in the New Orleans Lottery.

110 Years Ago

Jim Comstock died: He was an unassuming old fellow whose earthly possessions consisted of a mule that was blind in one eye, a bottle of whiskey, an old rifle and about eight dollars in coin. He got to Omaha and engaged as a guide for a large train going through the Big Horn. The Indians were on the warpath that summer, and the government would not let them stop. The first civilization they struck was Bozeman. Comstock was discouraged. He ate a hearty supper, lighted his pipe, sat down on the oxyoke, drew his six-shooter and blew out his brains. (Caliente Lode-Express)

70 Years Ago

Baby contest winners: The 20-30 sponsored local talent show “Pep Parade” were announced by Mrs. E. P. Chambers. First place for small girl contestants was Miss Nancy Kispert, 11-month-old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Hal Kispert. Boy winner was Master Fenton Hamilton, two-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Wes Hamilton ...

50 Years Ago

Howie’s home: Howie, the wandering bloodhound, is found. Laddie Furlong’s family dog has been missing from his home, but turned up safe and sound at Jack’s Valley Ranch. Laddie Furlong admits that Howie has a great sense of smell, but regrets that he lacks the instincts of a homing pigeon.

20 Years Ago

Mars rocket: Russia’s space probe to Mars crashed shortly out of blastoff into the Pacific Ocean. The Mars failure sets the Russians back in the space program.

Sue Ballew is the daughter of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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