The Popcorn Stand: Red Smith would have enjoyed this year’s politics

The Popcorn Stand has evolved into this sort of filler for our editorial page. It’s genesis came when I wanted to write mostly about whatever bugged me and decided to name the column in honor of my favorite sports columnist, Pulitzer Prize-winning Red Smith, who once dubbed one of his columns The Popcorn Stand.

From time to time, editors have used sportswriters to write about current and news events and Smith was also used in this role. One of my favorite columns Smith wrote came about when he covered the 1956 Democratic Convention — from a sportswriter’s perspective. In the column, he wrote about how Harry S. Truman came out like a boxer, encouraging his party not to abandon its liberal ideals in favor of the more moderate Adlai Stevenson.

Sound familiar? Bernie Sanders could be this year’s Truman and Hillary Clinton could be this year’s Stevenson in a way. If Clinton wins the nomination as expected and Sanders comes to her support, my guess is it will be somewhat grudgingly with Sanders espousing for the liberal ideals much like Truman did 60 years ago. And Smith would have loved to cover it.

And there’s no doubt in my mind Smith would have loved to cover the battle for the soul of the Republican Party that’s going on right now — from the local to the national level.

Donald Trump? There’s no doubt in my mind, no journalist — from the news side or otherwise — could have provided more perspective on the Trump phenomenon than Smith.

— Charles Whisnand

The Popcorn Stand is written Tuesday through Saturday by the editorial staff of the Nevada Appeal. It tackles topics of a different nature or topics that make us go “hmm.” We welcome your thoughts and suggestions at


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