Letters to the editor for Saturday, May 28, 2016

Vintage project will tarnish city’s character

I agree 100 percent with Guy Farmer’s commentary, “No to ‘Vintage on Mountain Street’” (May 8). The Mayor, the Board of Supervisors and the Planning Commission are all contributing to the destruction of our city’s character and insulting its citizens in the process. Using such statements as “relieving the monotony of single-family neighborhoods,” our city officials approved the rezoning of the Lompa Ranch, to medium and high density, with apartments, patio homes, single-family homes on reduced-size lots, and commercial enterprises. How many of us regard single-family neighborhoods as “monotonous?” Our officials are continuously amending the Master Plan.

Why have a Master Plan if it is completely disregarded? Only last year, we were asked to conserve water due to drought conditions. Apparently, our officials believe the drought is permanently ended. They must know something the rest of us do not.

Adding to our traffic and water problems, while ignoring our Master Plan, is simply not a responsible growth plan. Ignoring the will of the citizens of Carson City is also not the act of a responsible “representative.” Election day is very soon. I hope the voters of Carson City will respond appropriately and remove every incumbent who is ignoring us.

Vivian Austin

Carson City

President dishonoring troops on Memorial Weekend

So, our Commander in Chief Obama decided he had to go and “honor” the Japanese just before Memorial Day. Not those of us who fought for, and the ones who died for, our country. For shame.

In World War II, we experienced the same sort of fanatic we are fighting in ISIS. He probably flew over Corregidor, and the site of the infamous Bataan death march, where our heros were tortured and executed for no better reason than because they were wounded and could not keep up. For shame.

As Americans celebrate Memorial Day and honor our troops, remember where our Commander in Chief chose to be this week. A wannabe Emperor, with a real little Emperor.

Sir, you bring shame and dishonor to the memory of the Armed Forces of the United States of America.

Jerry Smith

Carson City


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