Past Pages for Saturday, Feb. 27, 2016

150 years ago

Fire. A fire broke out yesterday morning about 3 p.m. in the frame building on the corner of Third and Ormsby streets, known as the Head Quarters Saloon. Never were two engines worked to better advantage than the Warren and Curry Engines; and the firemen ever performed better service or with greater success that did the members of those two companies.

130 years ago

Nevada names (continued from Friday). Humboldt, after the noted scientist, Herr Von Humboldt. Battle Mountain, after a battle fought near there by Paiutes and Shoshone Indians. Roop County, from Isaac Roop. Palisade, from the peculiar shaped rocks nearby. Truckee River, from old Captain Truckee, the Indian guide who piloted General Fremont across to California in 1846. Austin, from Austin, Texas. Nye County after Gov. Nye, so named to keep him from vetoing the bill creating it.

100 years ago

Building Roads in the Sierra. The roads in our Sierra should be made as good as the roads over the Alps, which are believed to be (the) most profitable investments of Switzerland and Italy. The Alpine Innkeepers may seem to get the most of the profit, but they do not.

70 years ago

With the painting of diagonal parking spaces on the street immediately in front of the Capitol Building, Carson City motorists were given an added warning today of the new parking ordinance that includes a two-hour parking limit from the prison road to Dayton road on Carson Street from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.

50 years ago

The inaugural flight of Cal-State Airlines touched down at Carson Airport Friday to begin scheduled flights to the capital city of Nevada.

30 years ago

Damage estimates from last week’s floods that hit five Northern Nevada counties today was estimated at more than $8 million.

Trent Dolan is the son of Bill Dolan, who wrote this column for the Nevada Appeal from 1947 until his death in 2006.


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