Letters to the editor for Saturday, Oct. 10, 2015

Bears going to the east side of Carson City

A couple of weeks ago on a Saturday morning we were surprised when a bear and her cub came to our front door. By the time I found my camera, they had left the porch and started down the hill.

My wife called a wildlife agency, and they let us know that, yes, we have bears, mountain lions, and, of course, coyotes. They also said that due to the drought, the animals are coming into the housing developments in search of food and water.

This was all news to us and several others, as we live on the east side of Carson City next to the BLM land on Prison Hill for 25 years and never heard about the bears.

I called the Nevada Appeal, and it was interested in the picture and our account of the bear story. Apparently the picture and the news of the bears on the east side was not newsworthy, as no mention of the bears was in the newspaper. I think others on the east side would like to know about the threat to their kids and animals.

Glenn Bush

Carson City

Editor’s note: Information about the bear and other encounters appeared on the Nevada Appeal’s website and Facebook page.


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