Faith & Insight: Waiting for Jesus

I’ve had to learn to be patient and wait for things in life. It’s not in my nature; I want things now and if it’s not ready, then it’s taking too long. But I have found the better things in life are worth waiting for, and the more valuable things in life mean more when you wait until you can afford them. That’s not how we’re taught today. We’re taught to buy now and pay later, but that’s never the wise way to go. I have learned it’s always better to wait.

Tomorrow is the first Sunday of Advent. The first Sunday of Advent is about waiting for Christmas, to celebrate again the coming of Christ. The Hebrew people were waiting for a savior. From the book of Genesis through Malachi, we find prophecies of the coming Messiah. These prophetic assurances gave the people hope, even in the darkest days. God was silent for 400 years, but the people waited, trusting in his word that he had not forgotten them.

With the Black Fridays and Cyber Mondays, the bright lights and presents, trees and holiday candy do we sometimes forget what this season is about? God’s faithfulness. God didn’t forget his promise the first time. As we begin this Advent season, we should reflect on God’s faithfulness in fulfilling his promises. If he came through for us the first time, then I believe he’s going to come through for us again.

Jesus said, “I am going to prepare a place for you ... if I go and prepare a place for you, I will come back and take you to be with me that you also may be where I am.”

As we wait the approaching Christmas, let’s remember the promise the the baby who was born on Christmas morning made as an adult. He said he would be back for us, and I believe he will. I’m holding on to that promise and faithfully wait for his return. Whatever we may be facing in our present circumstances, we have this hope. Whatever the cost; I will wait for his coming with anticipation and share the hope I have by serving others, just as he did.

Will you join me in celebrating Christmas this year with the anticipation of his return? It’s not about going into debt over buying “stuff” for the kids or getting ourselves too busy to enjoy the season. It’s about Jesus. Let’s learn to wait together and celebrate the coming of our Lord.

Lt. Mark Cyr is pastor of The Salvation Army, 661 Colorado St. Carson City, NV 89701. For information, go to


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